Determination the Hydrogen Stored in Carbon Nanotubes by NO Titration Method

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mipanglin
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A novel method was established to determine the H2-storage capacity in carbon nanotubes. According to 2NO+2H2 (or 4H) = N2+2H2O reaction, the H2-storage capacity in carbon nanotubes could be calculated. The H2-storage capacity in carbon nanotubes is at least 2.89 wt%. The H2-storage capacity in carbon nanotubes could be calculated. According to 2NO + 2H2 (or 4H) = N2 + 2H2O reaction, the H2-storage capacity in carbon nanotubes The nanotubes are at least 2.89 wt%.
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术前2h给患儿口服10%GS液及H2受体阻断药,以探索儿童术前口服GS液的作用与可行性及H2受体阻断药对预防胃内容反流误吸的作用。120例择期手术患儿,随机分成禁食、口服10%GS(10ml/kg,以下相同)、10%GS+西咪替丁(C,5mg/kg)... 2h
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