Do’s And Don’ts In Peru

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  Peru is a beautiful country which has lots of cultures. It is next to Colombia, so their culture and people are very much alike. There are a lot of African, Asian, and European people in Peru, therefore, Peru culture has a great part of those cultures. Bear in mind the following Peru do’s and don’ts to save time and money when travelling to Peru.
  Many travelers to Peru are dressed with outdoor sportswear. This is perfectly ok except for churches and nice restaurants. In those places, you’d better wear dresses or shirts. In Peru, you should be careful when discussing local politics, though open discussion of the corruption of past presidents and terrorism in Peru is perfectly acceptable. Visitors should understand that drinking coca tea is not drug use but a long-standing cultural tradition in the Andes.
  On the streets of Cusco and other towns across Peru, shoeshine boys and little girls selling cigarettes or postcards can be very persistent. Others just ask directly for money. The best way to give money to those who are obviously in need of it is to reward them for their work. If you don’t wish to be bothered, a polite but firm “No, thank you” is usually enough, but it’s important to treat even these street kids with respect.
  Being asked about your marriage and children are considered polite.Women traveling alone or with other women should expect such questions. However, discussion of how much one earns is a generally hard subject, especially in a poor country such as Peru. Although Peruvians might be curious and ask you directly how much you make, or how much your apartment or house or car or even clothes cost, I suggest that you answer the question indirectly. You can explain how much higher the cost of living is in your home country, and how you’re not as wealthy as you might seem.
  Peruvians are more formal in social relations than most North Americans and Europeans. Peruvians shake hands frequently and tirelessly, and although kissing on the cheek is a common greeting for friends not for strangers.
  Punctuality is not highly valued in Peru. Peruvians are usually a half-hour late to most personal appointments, and it is not considered very bad to leave someone in a cafe for up to an hour. If you are going to have a meeting with them, be prepared to wait.
  corruption n. 腐败
  persistent adj. 缠人的
  (What other do’s and don’t do you know about in Peru?)
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