
来源 :中国花卉园艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bolun365
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汉武帝时,张骞出使西域,住于安石国的宾馆。宾馆的门口有一株小树,花红似火,张骞十分喜爱,一有空就去观赏。园丁告诉他这叫石榴花。后来安石国闹旱灾,石榴花叶日渐枯萎,张骞就亲自担水浇灌,石榴树又复苏了过来。 张骞即将归国的前一天晚上,有一红衣绿裙的女子推门而入,施礼后说:“明天您就要回国了,我愿随您去中原。”张骞大惊,心想定是谁家使女要出逃,自己作为汉使,又身处异国,不愿惹此是非,就将她呵斥了出去。 第二天临行,张骞没有收国王送的礼物,单单要了门口那棵石榴,说:“我们中原什么都有,单没有石榴,愿将它移植中原,作为留念。” 不料中途遭遇匈奴拦截,杀出重围时,那棵石榴失落了。张骞一行人马回到长安,正要进城,忽然听到背后有一女子喊道:“天朝使臣,叫我赶得好苦啊。”张骞回头一看,正是安石国宾馆那女子,披头散发,脸上挂着两行泪珠,就问她:“你为何不在安石国,而千里迢迢来追赶我?”女子答道:“愿随天使报答昔日浇灌之恩。”说完就变为一棵石榴树。张骞这才明白是怎么回事,于是将那树移到汉武帝的御苑中,石榴从此在中国安家落户。 Han Emperor Wu, Zhang Qian ambassador to the West, living in Anshi country hotel. Hotel entrance has a small tree, red flowers, Zhang Qian is very fond of, go free to watch. Gardener told him called pomegranate. Later, Ashmore drought, pomegranate leaves increasingly withered, Zhang Qian personally watering, pomegranate tree and recovery over. Zhang Qian is about to return the day before last night, a woman in a red dress and slipped into the door, after the ceremony said: “Tomorrow you are going back to China, I would like to go with you to the Central Plains.” Zhang Qian was shocked, So that women should flee, as Han envoys, but also living in a foreign country, do not want to mess with this right, she will scold out. The next day, Zhang Qian did not receive the gift from the king, just to the door that pomegranate, said: “We have nothing in the Central Plains, there is no single pomegranate, is willing to transplant it as a souvenir.” Unexpectedly encountered Hun interception , Out of siege, the pomegranate lost. Zhang Qian, a pedestrian return to Chang’an, is about to enter the city, suddenly heard behind a woman shouted: “Celestial envoys, told me to catch so hard ah.” Zhang Qian looked back, it is Arshi Guesthouse that woman, Beat distribution , With two rows of tears on her face, and asked her, “Why do not you go to Amherst and go all out to chase me?” The woman replied, “May the angel repay the grace of the past.” Pomegranate tree. Zhang Qian did understand what was going on, so that the tree moved to the imperial court of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, pomegranate settled in China since then.
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