“78130”系龙溪农校于1978年秋用“汕优2号”作母本,“威_(20)B”作父本杂交育成的.于1980年定型.三年来经多点示范试种,表现抗稻瘟病,适应性广,结实率高,丰产稳产性能好,米质优良.一般亩产400~450公斤,高的亩产达600公斤,比“77—175”等其它品种增产15%左右.特征特性 株高95~100厘米,茎秆坚韧抗倒伏,株型紧凑.叶片短窄,着生角度小,剑叶长25厘米左右、宽1.6厘米左右.分蘖中等,分蘖势弱.穗长21~23厘米,每穗总粒数85~105粒、实粒数80~100粒、结实率90~97%.穗部着粒稀,谷粒椭圆形,千粒重27~28.5克.米质好,出米率72%.
“78130” Longxi Agricultural School in the autumn of 1978 with “Shanyou 2” as the female parent, “Granville _ (20) B” parental breeding bred in 1980 stereotypes. , Showing resistance to rice blast, wide adaptability, high seed setting rate, high and stable yield performance, good quality rice .In general, 400-450 kg per mu and 600 kg per mu were higher than other varieties such as “77-175” % Characteristic characteristics Height 95 ~ 100 cm, stalk tough lodging, compact plant leaves short and narrow, the students angle is small, about 25 centimeters long and about 1.6 centimeters wide, tillering medium, tillering weak. Spike length of 21 to 23 cm, the total number of grains per spike 85 to 105, the actual number of 80 to 100 grains, seed setting rate of 90 to 97% Spike grain thinning, grain oval, grain weight 27 to 28.5 grams. Good quality, rice rate of 72%.