Molecular profiles to biology and pathways:a systems biology approach

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fzh5569
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Interpreting molecular profiles in a biological context requires specialized analysis strategies. Initially, lists of relevant genes were screened to identify enriched concepts associated with pathways or specific molecular processes. However, the shortcoming of interpreting gene lists by using predefined sets of genes has resulted in the development of novel methods that heavily rely on network-based concepts. These algorithms have the advantage that they allow a more holistic view of the signaling properties of the condition under study as well as that they are suitable for integrating different data types like gene expression, gene mutation, and even histological parameters. Interpreting molecular profiles in a biological context requires specialized analysis strategies. Initially, lists of relevant genes were screened to identify enriched concepts associated with pathways or specific molecular processes. However, the shortcoming of interpreting gene lists by using sets sets of genes has resulted in the development of novel methods that heavily rely on network-based concepts. These algorithms have the advantage that they allow a more holistic view of the signaling properties of the condition under study as well as that they are suitable for integrating different data types like gene expression, gene mutation, and even histological parameters.
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摩托车的供电系统一般采用磁电机和蓄电池混合供电。在正常行驶时,磁电机对蓄电池进行浮充电。 摩托车的大灯功率一般为30W左右,打开大灯时,磁电机发出的电能主要消耗在大灯
麻杏石甘汤出自《伤寒论》,原治太阳病 ,发汗未愈 ,风寒入里化热 ,“汗出而喘者”,后世有于风寒化热或风热所伤 ,但见肺中热盛 ,身热喘急 ,口渴脉数 ,便以本方加减治疗。自 1