
来源 :经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waich19870625
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对既得利益进行正本清源式的、彻底的、法律和道德的追问 ,已经失去了现实可行性 ;但是对既得利益及其相关问题采取既往不咎式的态度或者回避默认的做法 ,事实上同广大群众的强烈愿望和市场经济的本质要求不相容 ,最终会走向改革的对立面。作者将既得利益按获得途径分为三类 :A类是合法合理的收益 ;B类是合法但不合理的收益 ;C类是既不合法也不合理的收入。甄别既得利益的性质既是社会大众和既得利益者的要求 ,更是深化改革的要求。而政府在甄别既得利益性质方面实际上面临两难困境 :一方面有必要甄别既得利益的性质 ,为改革的持续推进提供法理基础 ;另一方面 ,甄别的成本在不断增加 ,正在逐渐丧失其必要性。为此 ,作者提出了化解相关矛盾的第三条道路 :对各种不正常不合理的收益征收高额税收 However, the existing unjust attitudes toward vested interests and their related issues or the avoidance of acquiescence have in fact been lifted with the strong masses of the general public Aspirations are incompatible with the essential requirements of a market economy and will eventually move to the opposite of reform. The author divides the vested interests into three categories according to the way they are obtained: A is legal and reasonable income; B is legal but unreasonable income; C is neither legal nor reasonable income. The nature of the screening of vested interests is not only the demand of the general public and vested interests, but also the requirement of deepening the reform. However, the government actually faces the dilemma of distinguishing the nature of vested interest: on the one hand, it is necessary to identify the nature of vested interests and provide the legal basis for the continuous progress of the reform; on the other hand, the cost of screening is gradually increasing and its necessity is gradually lost . To this end, the author put forward a third way to resolve the contradictions: high taxes on all kinds of abnormal unreasonable benefits
上个世纪初,奥地利维也纳有个少年读书非常用功,他上课专心听讲,下课后也依旧坐在座位上读书。放学了,他会在做完作业后一直复习到半夜。  他每天只睡三四个小时,其余时间全在学习,可纵然如此,他的成绩却顶多算中上水平。这么努力,却无法取得最好的成绩,少年非常焦虑和沮丧。  一个周末,少年跟着母亲去教堂做礼拜。结束后,他一个人留了下来,向老牧师诉说心中的苦恼。老牧师安静地听了良久,然后取出一个装满水的矿泉
中华医学会眼科学会眼外伤职业眼病学组于1987年12月8至12日在深圳市召开了第四届眼外伤职业眼病眼科手术学术会议,13—19日举办了第七期眼外伤职业眼病眼科手术学习班。 开
目的 :探讨青少年胸椎椎弓根螺钉的固定方法及注意事项。方法 :测量 2 0例正常青少年胸椎椎弓根影像学参数 ,并在此基础上采用自行设计的胸椎椎弓根螺钉固定器械 (Scofix器械
运用Weibul分布推导出任意可靠性指标下滚动轴承的寿命和强度计算公式,给出了多列轴承和轴承系统的可靠性计算方法和公式,并按照工程的方法加以简化处理。 Weibul distribution is u