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我认识人民文学出版社是从蒋路、孙玮(绳武)合译的《俄国文学史》开始的。五十年代我入北大俄文系学习时,系主任曹靖华教授的办系方针是全面加强俄语教学,突出文学方向。单是文学方面就设有《俄苏文学史》和《俄苏文学作品选读》两门重头课程,从二年级到四年级贯彻始终。还有翻译课也以文学作品为重点。这些课程除有俄文原文教材外,课外读物使用的都是人民文学出版社的译本。人民文学出版社作为国内最具权威的文学专业出版社,对外国文学进行了有组织、有计划的翻译和介绍,所约的译者都是中外文功底极深厚的名家,他们的译文 I know the People’s Literature Publishing House started with the “History of Russian Literature” translated by Jiang Lu and Sun Wei (Shengwu). When I was a student of Peking University’s Russian Department in the 1950s, the guiding principle of Professor Cao Jinghua, head of department, was to comprehensively strengthen Russian teaching and highlight the direction of literature. In literature alone, there are two important courses, “Russian Literature History” and “Russian Literature Reading”, from the second grade to the fourth grade. There are also translation classes to focus on literature. Except for Russian textbooks, these books are all translated by People’s Literature Publishing House. People’s Literature Publishing House, as the most authoritative literary publishing house in China, conducted an organized and planned translation and introduction of foreign literature. The translators are all highly-qualified masters of Chinese and foreign languages ​​and their translations
没有一条现成的路通向人生的巅峰。你摸索前进,踏出一条新路,即使不能登顶,也自有它独一无二的价值。 There is no ready-made road leading to the pinnacle of life. You
目的 :研究尿激酶对结核性胸膜炎患者的疗效及对胸膜肥厚和纤溶活性的影响。方法 :选择2012年9月~2014年12月在我院进行诊治的结核性胸膜炎患者106例,随机分为两组,两组抗结
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The opening ceremony of the Sec ond Made-in-India Show was held in China Beijing National Agricultural Exhibition Center on December 1, 2004. Just before this e
河流之所以能够到达目的地,是因为懂得怎样避开障碍。 The reason why a river can reach its destination is because it understands how to avoid obstacles.
对于文学鉴赏来说,首要的程序便是对文本意义的解读。鉴赏者作为审美主体的地位是十分重要和活跃的。意义的揭示离不开鉴赏者与文本之间的交流、对话。 如何解读文本的意义,