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海上丝绸之路形成于2000多年前的秦汉时期,一直是中国与外界开展经济文化交流的重要通道,而东南亚地区自古以来就是海上丝绸之路的重要枢纽和组成部分。习近平总书记基于历史,在2013年10月份访问东盟国家时提出“建设21世纪海上丝绸之路”。西汉时期,广西合浦即作为海上丝绸之路始发港之一参与到中国与东西方的贸易往来中去,积极推动了古代广西经济文化的发展。历史给广西留下了丰富的物质及文化遗产,旅游价值也越来越明显。当代广西作为中国与东盟合作的重要门户,积极参与到21世纪海上丝绸之路建设中去,旅游产业发展是重要的方面。据此,合浦的历史文化遗产及旅游价值对广西海上丝绸之路的发展有较大的研究意义。 The Silk Road in the Qin and Han Dynasties, formed over 2000 years ago, has always been an important channel for China to carry out economic and cultural exchanges with the outside world. Southeast Asia has been an important hub and part of the Silk Road since ancient times. On the basis of history, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed in his visit to the ASEAN countries in October 2013 that “building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”. During the Western Han Dynasty, Guangxi Hepu was one of the port of departure for the Maritime Silk Road to participate in the trade between China and the East and the West, and actively promoted the economic and cultural development of Guangxi in ancient times. History has left rich material and cultural heritage to Guangxi, and its tourism value has become more and more obvious. As an important gateway for the cooperation between China and ASEAN, Guangxi is actively involved in the construction of the maritime Silk Road in the 21st century. The development of tourism industry is an important aspect. Accordingly, Hepu’s historical and cultural heritage and tourism value have a great significance for the development of Guangxi Maritime Silk Road.
对外资企业实行国民待遇,是我国经济与世界经济接轨的客观要求,是对外开放深入发展的必然趋势。但是,在给予外资企业税收国民待遇的同时,我们也给了外资企业许多 超过内资企
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