
来源 :中国临床解剖学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alexl
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关于肾器官外肾动脉的研究,文献中已有许多记载。笔者在解剖一具成年男尸时,见其双侧肾都有肾器官外迷走动脉,现报道如下:左、右肾动脉各一条,于肠系膜上动脉起始部的稍下方,呈直角起自腹主动脉。左、右肾动脉的起点同高,但右肾动脉略粗于左肾动脉。右肾动脉从腹主动脉发出后,走行在下腔静脉的后方,右肾动脉的初级分支有七支,其中四支分别经肾下端的前唇(二支)、后唇(二支)穿入肾实质,另三支经肾门入肾。左肾动脉的初级分支有四支,其中二支经肾门入肾,另二支经肾下端的前唇穿入肾实质。左、右两侧肾迷走动脉,于肠系膜上动脉起始部的同高处,呈直角从腹主动脉左、右侧 There are many records in the literature about the study of the renal artery outside the kidney. The author in the dissection of an adult male corpse, see both kidneys have kidney organs outside the vagus artery, are reported as follows: the left and right renal artery of each one, at the beginning of the superior part of the superior mesenteric artery slightly below the right angle from the abdomen Aorta. Left and right renal artery with the same high starting point, but the right renal artery slightly thicker than the left renal artery. Right renal artery after the issue from the abdominal aorta, walking in the inferior vena cava rear, the primary renal artery has seven primary branches, four of which were the lower extremity of the anterior lip (two), the posterior lip (two) penetrate Renal parenchyma, the other three by the renal portal into the kidney. The left renal artery has four primary branches, of which two by the renal portal into the kidney, and the other two through the lower extremity of the anterior lip penetration into the renal parenchyma. Left and right renal vagal artery in the beginning of the superior mesenteric artery at the same height, at right angles from the abdominal aorta left and right
The Chinese Folk Art Group headed by Zhang Zuoku, deputy director from Liaoning Provincial Information Department and director from the Information Office of Li
潘天寿《堪欣山社竹添孙》72cm×41cm设色纸本立轴 1960年作出版:1.《潘天寿书画集》上编第124页,浙江人民美术出版社,1996年出版。2.《中国名画家全集——潘天寿》第208页
家电市场是真正的江湖。 2002年12月5日。北京。“2002年中国彩电高峰论坛”。 到会要员:18位国内外知名彩电厂家的领军人物。 已经很久没有出现这样的江湖大会了。但没有人
记述了产自内蒙古呼和勃尔和剖面阿山头组的始施氏貘(Schlosseria magister)幼年头骨、头骨碎片及产自额尔登敖包底白层的S.magister成年头骨。幼年头骨在脊齿貘科属首次描述
之所以选择“权臣”这个话题,并不是为了迎合猎奇者的目光。而是因为“权臣”这个特殊人群是中国几千年专制制度的一个缩影。 The reason for choosing the “Quanchen” is