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公共关系热、公共关系“普及”热已有数载,言及公共关系的大作也可汗牛充栋,不可胜数。但是,在这浩如烟海的书潮中,探讨有中国特色的领导者公共关系方法与艺术的著作却不多。而今,由周振林、刘东民主编的《领导者公共关系方法与艺术》填补了国内这一领域的空白,给领导科学的研究注入了新的活力,给公共关系的理论研究带来了清新鲜爽的气息,成为这两个领域交叉融汇的拓荒之作。该书以综合的高度对现代领导活动中的一系列公共关系问题进行了全面的分析、概括和总结,系统而较全面地探讨了领导者公共关系的概念、本质、结构、功能及其主客观的理论基础。不仅如此,作者还试图通过探讨,把现代交际中的公共关系概念作为领导科学的基本范畴之一,引入马克思主义的领导方法与艺术,从而使后者的体系与结构更加科学化和现代化。纵览全书,不难发现,它较好地从点、线、面、体上展示了书中所叙及内容的思想主题。 Public relations is hot, public relations “popularity” has been hot for several years, speaking of public relations masterpiece can be sweeping, countless. However, there are not many books on exploring ways and public relations of public relations with Chinese characteristics in this vast literature stream. Nowadays, the “method and art of public relations by leaders” edited by Zhou Zhenlin and Liu Dongmin has filled the gaps in this field in our country, infused new vitality into the research on leadership science and brought fresh and fresh ideas to the theoretical research of public relations Breath, become the pioneering work in these two areas. This book comprehensively analyzes, summarizes and summarizes a series of public relations issues in modern leadership activities at a comprehensive level, and systematically and comprehensively discusses the concept, essence, structure, functions and subjective and objective aspects of the leader’s public relations The theoretical basis. Moreover, the author tries to introduce the concept of public relations in modern communication as one of the basic categories leading science into Marxist leadership methods and art so as to make the latter’s system and structure more scientific and modern. Throughout the book, not difficult to find, it is better from the point, line, surface, the body shows the contents of the book described in the subject of thought.
This paper reviews some recent findings on the interactions between selenium deficiency and iodine deficency. Both micronutrients can control the levels of sele