
来源 :军营文化天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feihuiy
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1930年红一方面军前敌委员会发布宣传动员令说:“工农同志们,红军兄弟们,敌人为了最后的挣扎,又大举对工农红军压迫了。我们这回一定要战胜他们,一定要消灭他们的主力,要缴得他们几万支枪械。我们拿什么武器呢?我们拿下面那十二个口号作武器,我们要坚决相信那十二个口号才真正是缴敌人几万支枪的武器,我们要坚决相信那十二个口号的力量,每一个抵得红军一军, In 1930, the Front Forces Commission of the Red Army released the propaganda mobilization order: ”Comrades of the workers and peasants, the Red Army brothers and their enemies have oppressured the Red Army of workers and peasants for massacre in the final struggle. This time we must defeat them and must destroy them We must take the following twelve slogans as a weapon, and we must firmly believe that the twelve slogans are really the weapons to pay tens of thousands of enemy guns, We must firmly believe that the strength of the twelve slogans, each of which is worth a red army,
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计取黄金水道小港,是河湖港汊的交汇地,是洪湖的进出口,是横跨江陵、监利、沔阳三县八百里长的内荆河的中心,谁占据它就能控制巨大的财源,并夺取水上游击战的根据地。 It is