Different Expression Analysis in Fruit Softening and Ethylene Biosynthetic Pathways in Peaches of Di

来源 :Horticultural Plant Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kulahai
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The aim of our study was to assess differences in the expression of genes involved in fruit softening and ethylene biosynthetic pathways under different temperature storage conditions. Different peach cultivars of ‘Xiacui’ and ‘Yumyeong’, which are stonyhard, ‘Yinhualu’, which is softmelting, ‘Hujing Milu’, which is hard-melting, and ‘Baby Gold 6’, which is non-melting at 80% ripening, were collected as test materials. The results showed that only slight ethylene production was detected after harvesting of ‘Yumyeong’ and ‘Xiacui’ under either a room temperature(25 °C) or low temperature(4 °C). The fruit firmness of stonyhard cultivars was retained at a high level under room temperature over time, whereas a low temperature induced ‘Yumyeong’ fruit to soften. Quantitative real-time PCR results indicated that the PpACS1 gene was highly expressed in soft-melting, hard-melting and non-melting cultivars; however, expression was extremely low in stonyhard peaches. PpACS2 or PpACS3, however,was not detected in all five cultivars. Interestingly, cold treatment significantly decreased firmness along with endo-PG expression obviously upregulated in ‘Yumyeong’, but not in ‘Xiacui’ peaches. In conclusion, this study revealed that fruit softening of peaches with different flesh textures was closely related to ethylene biosynthesis during the storage period, which was controlled via regulating relevant gene expression levels under different storage temperatures. The aim of our study was to assess differences in the expression of genes involved in fruit softening and ethylene biosynthetic pathways under different temperature storage conditions. Different peach cultivars of ’Xiacui’ and ’Yumyeong’, which are stonyhard, ’Yinhualu’, which is softmelting, ’Hujing Milu’, which is hard-melting, and ’Baby Gold 6’, which is non-melting at 80% ripening, were collected as test materials. The results showed that only slight ethylene production was detected after harvesting of ’ Yumyeong ’and’ Xiacui ’under either room temperature (25 ° C) or low temperature (4 ° C). The fruit firmness of stonyhard cultivars was retained at a high level under room temperature over time, while a low temperature induced’ Yumyeong ’fruit to soften. Quantitative real-time PCR results indicated that the PpACS1 gene was highly expressed in soft-melting, hard-melting and non-melting cultivars; however, expression was extremely low in stony hard peaches. PpACS2 or P123, however, was not detected in all five cultivars. Interestingly, cold treatment significantly decreased firmness along with endo-PG expression obviously upregulated in ’Yumyeong’, but not in ’Xiacui’ peaches. In conclusion, this study revealed that fruit softening of peaches with different flesh textures was closely related to ethylene biosynthesis during the storage period, which was controlled via regulating relevant gene expression levels under different storage temperatures.
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周恩来与叶挺,这两位中国人民伟大的革命战士,早在北伐战争之前,就在党内一起共事,两人志同道合,风雨同舟。这对革命的老战友,相知相交数十年,他们相互敬重,相互支持,肝胆相照,情同手足;他们之间的革命情、战友情,同志情、朋友情,纯洁而高尚,诚挚而久远,为全党全军树立了光辉典范。    一    叶挺是我党最早组建和领导的一支部队——国民革命军第四军第三十四团,即后来的“叶挺独立团”的团长。  这个团是