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中华人民共和国教育部最近颁布的“关于加强小学在职教师业余文化补习的指示”,对进一步开展小学在职教师业余文化学习,有着重大的意义。过去,本刊曾接到过很多教师的来稿,谈到他们业余学习文化的体会、经验和方法。在这些来稿中,普遍地谈到了以下两个问题: 第一、是正确认识业余学习文化的重要性,在学习过程中不断地克服思想障碍,端正学习态度的问题。来稿指出,这是搞好学习的前提。建湖县南湾初小刘立忠同志起初认为:“我就是不学习,这些小学生还不能教吗?”产生了学不学无所谓的思想。江都县王家村小学杨庚泉同志,原来只有初中一年级肄业的程度,一九五二年他在参加文化学习的时候,看到算术教材很浅显,思想马上就松懈下来,认为学校里工作很忙,不好好去学。这两位同志,在学习中滋长了自满情绪,结果学习成绩很差。后来,由于认识的提高和工作的需要, Recently issued by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China on Reinforcing the Amateur Culture Tutoring for Teachers in Primary Schools is of great significance to the further development of the amateur culture of teachers working in primary schools. In the past, we have received contributions from many teachers and talked about their experiences, experiences and methods of amateur learning culture. In these contributions, the following two issues are generally mentioned: First, it is the correct understanding of the importance of amateur learning culture and the continuous mastery of ideological obstacles and correct learning attitude in the learning process. The manuscript pointed out that this is a prerequisite for a good study. At the beginning, Comrade Liu Lizhong at the beginning of Nanwan in Jianhu County initially said: “I just did not learn. Can these pupils still not teach?” There was an idea that learning did not matter. Comrade Yang Geng-chuan, an elementary school in Jiangdu County, originally had only first-year junior high school education. In 1952, while attending cultural studies, he saw that arithmetic teaching materials were superficial and his ideas were immediately relaxed. He thought that the work in the school was very busy, Not good to learn. The two comrades grew complacent in their studies, resulting in poor academic performance. Later, due to the improvement of understanding and the need of work,
  Background: Suicide in adolescents has been identified as a serious public health problem worldwide.Across the globe about 200,000 teenagers deaths are due
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[摘 要] 本人结合多年的工作经验,认为楼板裂缝产生的主要原因有三个方面,即设计原因、材料原因、施工原因。本文对这些原因进行具体分析,并针对施工裂缝技术制定预防措施。  [关键词] 建筑工程楼板 混凝土 防止裂缝\  1.引言  楼板裂缝是公认的建筑施工中最难解决的问题之一,这些裂缝不仅影响建筑物的美观,而且影响建筑物的使用功能,大大降低了房屋结构的耐久性;破坏结构的整体性、降低其刚度
  Background: Although there are limited epidemiologic data on suicide among college students, suicide is likely the second leading cause of death among colle
科学技术的合理运行依托于伦理道德的规范 ;社会伦理道德的提升也需要科技力量的支持。深入地探讨科技与道德的相互支持和相互依赖 ,有助于找到二者协调发展的支点 The rati