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围绕农民如何进入市场问题有一种颇为流行的观点,即“小生产与大市场矛盾”,或说“分散的家庭经营与社会化大市场的矛盾”。这种观点把农户家庭经营与发展市场经济对立起来,不符合我国市场经济刚刚起步、新旧体制共同发生作用的基本现实,颠倒了矛盾的主要方面和次要方面,不利于稳定党在农村的基本政策。目前,我国农户家庭经营虽然拥有以生产工具为主的大部分生产资料,但土地、水利设施等主要生产资料属于集体或国家所有;虽然主要依靠家庭成员的劳动,但许多生产环节,如土地的耕翻耙压、良种、化肥购买等已离不开集体组织、国家支持与农户问 There is a rather popular view around how peasants enter the market that “the contradiction between small-scale production and the big market” or “the contradiction between decentralized family management and the socialized big market”. This view contradicts the basic reality that the peasants’ family management and the development of a market economy are contrary to the basic reality that the market economy in our country has just started and the new and old systems have a common role, reversing the major and minor aspects of the contradiction and not conducive to the stability of the basic principle of the stabilization party in the countryside policy. At present, although the family business of peasant households in our country possesses most of the means of production mainly consisting of production tools, the main means of production such as land and water conservancy facilities belong to the collective or the state; although it mainly depends on the work of family members, many production processes, Tillage rake pressure, seed, fertilizer purchase can not be separated from collective organizations, state support and farmers ask
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西班牙文化大臣莫利纳去年11月29日宣布,2007年西班牙文学最高奖塞万提斯奖颁发给阿根廷作家兼诗人胡安·赫尔曼(Juan Gelman)。赫尔曼成为获此殊荣的第四位阿根廷作家。