科学规划 创新思路 打造水土保持生态文明绿色名片

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南安市地处“闽南金三角”的中心地带,是民族英雄郑成功的故乡,现有行政区划面积2 036km~2,人口150万。经过长期的治理,水土流失面积从1985年的970 km~2减少到2012年的331 km~2,水土流失率下降了31.89%。特别是2012年以来,全市深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于长汀水土流失治理工作的重要批示精神和省委、省政府部署要求,掀起了新一轮水土流失治理高潮。创新机制,着力推动生态建设建立健全了“统一协调、分工负责、目标到岗、责任到人”工作机制,采取领导挂钩、部门帮扶、镇村结对的工作模式,明确各单位的工作职责,把水土保持工作纳入“五大战役”考核内容和各级科学发展分类考核范畴,作为各级领导班子及干部考核评价的重要内容。各相关部门与水土保持工作相辅相成,构建“大水保”格局,促进区域生态功能的整体提升。 Located in the heart of the “Golden Triangle of South Fujian Province”, Nan’an City is the hometown of the nation’s hero Zheng Chenggong. Its existing administrative area is 2 036km 2 and its population is 1.5 million. After long-term treatment, the area of ​​soil erosion decreased from 970 km2 in 1985 to 331 km2 in 2012, and the rate of soil erosion decreased by 31.89%. Especially since 2012, the city thoroughly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on soil and water loss in Changting County and the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and government, setting off a new round of climax of soil and water loss control. Innovation mechanism, efforts to promote ecological construction establish and improve a “unified and coordinated, division of labor is responsible for the target arrival, responsibility to people ” working mechanism, take the leadership linked to departmental assistance, town and village twinning mode of work, a clear work unit Responsibilities and incorporate the work of soil and water conservation into the assessment content of the “five campaigns” and the classification and appraisal of scientific development at all levels as an important content of assessment and appraisal of leading bodies and cadres at all levels. The relevant departments and soil and water conservation work complement each other to build “big water ” pattern to promote the overall improvement of regional ecological functions.
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