
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bin52833093
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舞厅作为文化娱乐场所,卫生管理的好,可作为人们娱乐、休息和恢复疲劳的好地方,否则,就会直接或间接影响人们的身体健康。企业的工人比较辛苦,下班后除了要保证充足的睡眠外,还要有个理想的地方进行积极的娱乐活动,特别是对企业中的年轻人,如何引导他(她)们开展健康、文明的文娱活动并提供一个符合卫生要求的环境显得十分重要。1987年4月1日国务院发布《公共场所卫生管理条例》对舞厅提出了卫生要求,企业可参照这些卫生要求自办舞厅。 Ballroom as a cultural and entertainment, health management is good, can be used as a place for people to entertain, rest and fatigue, otherwise, it will directly or indirectly affect people’s health. In addition to ensuring adequate sleep after get off work, workers in enterprises should also have an ideal place for active entertainment. Especially for young people in enterprises, how to guide them in developing healthy and civilized Recreational activities and providing an environment that meets health requirements are important. April 1, 1987 The State Council promulgated the “Regulations on the Administration of Public Health” on the ballroom put forward the health requirements, businesses can refer to these health requirements to run the ballroom.
室内台架道路模拟试验不仅能消除气候等因素的影响,而且能有效缩短试验周期、精度 高、可控性好,是汽车可靠性试验今后发展的趋势。本文以某型小轿车为例,阐述LMS测试 系统在室
1996年6月30日~7月2日,某村果树队14名施药者,发生农药中毒8例,现将调查结果报告分析如下: 一、基本情况。14名施药者均为男性,年龄21~60岁。8例中毒者,45岁以下者7例。施用的