
来源 :法律文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linmu22952
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目次一、编纂是法的系统化的最高形态二、法的编纂史及其启示三、形态各异的编纂模式比较四、探索我国规章编纂的思路随着我国法治现代化进程的稳步推进,表现为立法成果的各类规范性文件日益增多,而众多法律、法规之间以及规章之间发生重复、冲突的现象时有发生,因此,法的系统化工作成为我国法制建设的重要组成部分。考察历史上法的编纂史,解读法的编纂的内涵,比较两大法系中形态各异的编纂模式,可以借鉴各国立法技术的合理部分。在构建科学、协调的法律体系过程中,将编纂价值导入规章的系统化规范,不乏是一种“立法”尝试。 Table of Contents I. Compilation is the Systematic Supreme Form of Law 2. The History of Compilation and Its Enlightenment 3. Comparison of Compilation Patterns with Different Forms 4. Exploration of the Idea of ​​Compiling Rules and Regulations in China As the modernization of the rule of law in our country progresses steadily, Legislative achievements of all kinds of normative documents increasing, and many laws and regulations as well as between the rules of duplication, the phenomenon of conflicts have occurred, therefore, the law of systematic work has become an important part of our legal system. The history of the compilation of law history, interpretation of the compilation of law content, comparison of two major legal system in different forms of compilation, you can learn from the legislative part of the national legislative technology. In the process of building a scientific and coordinated legal system, there will be no lack of “legislative” attempts to codify the systematic norms of value-importing regulations.
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构建一个与社会主义现代化和市场经济相适应的文化体制,是现代中国文化建设的一个重要任务,也是一个值得探讨的重要课题。 To build a cultural system that is compatible