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李大钊(1889~1927),字守常。河北乐亭县人。中国最早的马克思主义者,中国共产党主要创始人之一。1913年留学日本。1916年回国,历任《晨钟报》主编、北京大学图书馆主任、《新青年》编辑,北大评议会评议员,经济、历史等系教授。与陈独秀创办《每周评论》,是新文化运动的主将之一,积极领导五四运动。1920年春,和陈独秀筹建中国共产党,发起组织了马克思学说研究会。同年10月,建立了北京共产主义小组。建党后负责中共北京区委和北方区委的工作。当选中共二、三、四大中央委员。1924年1月,出席国民党第一次全国代表大会,6月,作为中国共产党代表团首席代表,赴苏联参加共产国际第五次代表大会。1927年4月6日,被奉系军阀张作霖逮捕,28日在北京慷慨就义。年仅38岁。著有《李守常文集》,著作收编为《李大钊文选》 Li Dazhao (1889 ~ 1927), the word customary. Hebei Laoting County. China’s earliest Marxist, one of the main founders of the Chinese Communist Party. Studied in Japan in 1913. Returning to China in 1916, served as editor of “Morning Bell”, director of Peking University Library, editor of “New Youth”, councilor of Peking University council, professor of economics and history. It was one of the masters of the New Culture Movement that founded Weekly Review with Chen Duxiu and actively led the May Fourth Movement. The spring of 1920, and Chen Duxiu to build the Chinese Communist Party, initiated the organization of the Marx doctrine seminar. In October of the same year, a Beijing communist group was established. After the founding of the party, he was responsible for the work of the CPC Beijing Committee and the Northern District Party Committee. Elected two, three, four members of the Central Committee. In January 1924, he attended the first National Congress of the Kuomintang. In June, as the chief representative of the Chinese Communist Party delegation, he went to the Soviet Union to attend the Fifth Congress of the Communist International. April 6, 1927, was arrested Feng warlord Zhang Zuolin arrest, on the 28th in Beijing generous martyrdom. Only 38 years old. Author of “Li Shou Chang Wen Ji”, the book was compiled as “Li Dazhao anthology”
2001年 4月 17日至 19日,中国风景园林学会在国家园林城市马鞍山市召开第三届第一次秘书长工作会议。出席会议的代表来自 23个省、市风景园林学会(即单位会员)的理事长、副理事
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