The trend of the APRGP velocity field and plates movement derived from GPS data

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luming123
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High-precision data processing theories and methods for the wide area GPS network–––Asia Pacific Regional Geodesy Project (APRGP), are systematically discussed in this article. With the software bernese5.0 update, the annual results of APRGP coordinate, velocity field and the trend of plate movement are reestimated, and the corresponding accuracy of adjustment with different constraints, also the velocity field of APRGP, are presented and analyzed. Conclusions could be drawn that Eurasian plate (EURA) rotates clockwise, the Australian plate (AUST) and the Indian plate (INDI) move from southwest to northeast, while the Pacific plate (PCFC) is drifting to northwest, which shows agreement with those of IGS results. High-precision data processing theories and methods for the wide area GPS network --- Asia Pacific Regional Geodesy Project (APRGP), are systematically discussed in this article. With the software bernese 5.0 update, the annual results of APRGP coordinate, velocity field and the trend of plate movement are reestimated, and the corresponding accuracy of adjustment with different constraints, also the velocity field of APRGP, are presented and analyzed. Conclusions could be drawn that Eurasian plate (EURA) rotating clockwise, the Australian plate (AUST) and the Indian plate (INDI) move from southwest to northeast, while the Pacific plate (PCFC) is drifting to northwest, which shows agreement with those of IGS results.
职场女性正或多或少面临危机的困扰,身在职场中的你,或许正遇上重重规划危机。未来该做什么?我很茫然。你热爱你的工作吗?你给你的晋升腾出了多大的空 Workplace women are
大凡在职场江湖上混出来的人,大都有一个优点——能忍,  我家汉堡包今天回到家一脸垂头丧气的样子,我问他怎么回事,他死活不肯说。我锲而不舍地追问,他终于透露了几个字——因工作态度出现分歧,他对团队领导发脾气了。我瞪大眼睛:“你确定我没听错?是团队领导对你发脾气?还是你对他发脾气?”  汉堡包更加郁闷:“我当时实在不爽,觉得这家伙做事太不地道了,不知不觉就发飙了。”我彻底晕倒——你老人家还真神,发脾气
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