High-precision data processing theories and methods for the wide area GPS network–––Asia Pacific Regional Geodesy Project (APRGP), are systematically discussed in this article. With the software bernese5.0 update, the annual results of APRGP coordinate, velocity field and the trend of plate movement are reestimated, and the corresponding accuracy of adjustment with different constraints, also the velocity field of APRGP, are presented and analyzed. Conclusions could be drawn that Eurasian plate (EURA) rotates clockwise, the Australian plate (AUST) and the Indian plate (INDI) move from southwest to northeast, while the Pacific plate (PCFC) is drifting to northwest, which shows agreement with those of IGS results.
High-precision data processing theories and methods for the wide area GPS network --- Asia Pacific Regional Geodesy Project (APRGP), are systematically discussed in this article. With the software bernese 5.0 update, the annual results of APRGP coordinate, velocity field and the trend of plate movement are reestimated, and the corresponding accuracy of adjustment with different constraints, also the velocity field of APRGP, are presented and analyzed. Conclusions could be drawn that Eurasian plate (EURA) rotating clockwise, the Australian plate (AUST) and the Indian plate (INDI) move from southwest to northeast, while the Pacific plate (PCFC) is drifting to northwest, which shows agreement with those of IGS results.