天气渐渐寒冷,对于吃货们来说,这又是一个不可抗拒的能量补充季。来点新花样吧,既要好吃又要让狗狗玩得尽兴,环境、品质缺一不可。走遍全国,新鲜、刺激一网打尽。北京站点比萨说到吃点个性的,那就不得不提当下火爆的——站点比萨。在北京工人体育场院内,一进门左手边,牌子上面写着Tube station。这里的比萨号称全北京个头儿最大的,事实是也确实很大了。19寸、24寸,绝对让你一次吃过瘾。备受追捧的垃圾桶比萨极富特色,几乎涵盖了所有适于比萨制作的食材。两层小楼,附带欧式庭院。听话的狗狗可以在院子里自由玩耍。大会餐、下午茶,随时都可以带着狗狗前来。
The weather is getting colder, which is another irresistible energy supplement season for foodies. To new tricks, it is necessary to have fun and let the dog have fun, environment, quality are indispensable. Across the country, fresh, stimulating catch. Beijing site pizza Speaking of personality, then have to mention the current hot - site pizza. Inside the stadium of Beijing Workers Stadium, a door on the left hand side, the sign says “Tube station”. The pizza here is the largest in Beijing and the fact is indeed very large. 19 inch, 24 inch, absolutely let you eat once. The highly sought-after trash can pizza is very special, covering almost all ingredients suitable for pizza production. Two-story building with European courtyard. Obedient dogs can play freely in the yard. Conference meals, afternoon tea, ready to come with a dog.