
来源 :财务与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haisheng1984
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我省广播电视厅所属九个事业单位中,有五个金额管理单位1984年进行了事业经费改革的试点.改革的主要内容:(1)1985年和1986年财政拨给的日常事业费,以1984年年初指标为基数,包干使用.(2)各单位预算外收支由广播电视厅统一管理,其纯收入建立三项基金,实行按比例分成,即80%用于发展事业,10%用于集体福利,10%用于职工奖励.(3)建立奖励制度,超过标准部分,按规定征收奖金税.并要求今后逐步过渡为企业化管理.经过两年的试行,取得了较明显的效果.1985年预算外纯收入比1984年增长一倍,为当年财政预算拨款数的120%左右.不但为广播电视事业的发展提供了资金来源,而且两年中为国家提供税收(营业税)约86万元.单位除了用于弥补事业费不足外,还添置了一批仪器设 Among the nine public institutions affiliated to the Radio and Television Office of our province, five monetary authorities conducted a pilot project on the reform of the funds for the operation in 1984. The main contents of the reform are as follows: (1) In 1985 and 1986, (2) The extrabudgetary revenues and expenditures of all units are managed by the Radio and Television Office in a unified manner, and their net income is set up with three funds, which are divided into equal parts, 80% for development and 10% for development In the case of collective welfare, 10% is used for employee rewards. (3) The rewards system is set up, which exceeds the standard part and is subject to bonus taxation, and requires the gradual transition to enterprise management in the future. After two years of trial implementation, the obvious effect has been achieved The extrabudgetary net income in 1985 doubled that of 1984 to about 120% of the budget allocated for the current year, not only providing a source of funding for the development of radio and television businesses but also providing tax revenue (sales tax) to the state in about two years In addition to the unit used to make up for the lack of business expenses, but also acquired a number of equipment
财政部税务总局 1888财税协字第005号 1988年1月23日关于对来自同我国签订避免双重征税协定国家的居民个人取得的奖金征税问题,总局曾于1986年7月1日以[86]财税外字第157号
笔者有一位业务上的合作伙伴刘先生,最近遇到了烦恼事,他的死对头,大学时代的室友近日空降到公司担任总经理,成为他的上司。刘先生在大学期间,一直和这位室友较劲, 小到一场
财政部税务总局 (88)财税协字第006号 1988年1月30日我国政府同捷克斯洛伐克政府于一九八七年六月一日在布拉格签订的关于对所得避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定,业经我国外