Pseudo-Fluid Simulation of Transient Behaviors in a CFB Riser

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harite
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The kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) is modified to fit the Einstein’s equation for effective viscosity of dilute flow. A pseudo-fluid approach based on this modified KTGF is used to simulate the dynamic formation and dissipation of clusters in a circulating fluidized bed riser. The agglomeration of particles reduces slip velocity within particle clusters, and hence results in two reverse trends: discrete particles are lifted by air while particle clusters fall down along the wall. The dynamic equilibrium of these two types of motion leads to the characteristic sigmoid profile of solid concentration along the longitudinal direction. The predicted solid velocity, lateral and longitudinal profiles of solid volume fraction and annulus thickness are in reasonable agreement with experimental results. The kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) is modified to fit the Einstein’s equation for effective viscosity of dilute flow. A pseudo-fluid approach based on this modified KTGF is used to simulate the dynamic formation and dissipation of clusters in a circulating fluidized bed riser . The agglomeration of particles reduces slip velocity within particle clusters, and consequently results in two reverse trends: discrete particles are lifted by air while particles clusters fall down along the wall. The dynamic equilibrium of these two types of motion leads to the characteristic sigmoid profile of solid concentration along the longitudinal direction. The predicted solid velocity, lateral and longitudinal profiles of solid volume fraction and annulus thickness are in reasonable agreement with experimental results.
[Objective] To detect the 5-HMF contents in FRUCTUS LIGUSTRI LUCIDI before and after stewed with wine. [Methods] FRUCTUS LIGUSTRI LUCIDI was harvested from Augu
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舒筋止痛胶囊方由麝香、牛黄、珍珠、三七、红花、乳香、没药、延胡索、秦艽 9味中药组成 ,具有活血止痛、舒筋通络作用 ,用于跌打损伤后疼痛、肿胀、关节僵直、活动不灵等。