一、增施磷钾肥在葡萄萌芽前每亩施优质农肥3000~4000千克,在幼果期每亩沟施硫酸钾10千克,在葡萄膨果期喷施0.3%~0.5%磷酸二氢钾溶液或4%~6%草木灰浸出液,可使葡萄甜度提高1~2度。二、喷施稀土液在葡萄浆果变软期喷施0.05%~0.1%的稀土溶液,连喷2次。要求用p H值小于7的水配制稀
First, the increase of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before grapes sprouting high-quality agricultural fertilizer 3000 to 4000 kg, in the young fruit of potassium per kilogram of potassium sulfate 10 kg, the grapes in the period of spraying 0.3% to 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution Or 4% ~ 6% ash extract, grape can increase the sweetness of 1 to 2 degrees. Second, the spraying of rare earth softener berry spray 0.05% ~ 0.1% rare earth solution, and even spray 2 times. Requires p H value less than 7 with the preparation of dilute water