受国外互连网产业的影响,一股新的网络“淘金热”正在中国兴起,大量的人才和投资源源不断涌入互连网,与之形成鲜明对比的事实是,1999年的国内正版软件价格却屡创“新底”。面临“网络经济”的猛烈冲击,软件如何重新定位,软件行业的明天又会是什么样子? 北京实达铭泰公司日前推出的“i软件”系列产品东方购物王(iShop)、东方拍卖王(iBid)和东方网页王(iPage)。近期国内著名的通用软件企业之一的金山公司开始了“i软件”的运作,其主题为“软件助燃互联网,iWPS就是上网”的iWPS白皮书发布会已落下帷幕,这也是继实达铭泰之后宣布进入“i软件”产品操作的软件企业。至此,“i软件”产
Affected by the foreign Internet industry, a new network of “gold rush” is emerging in China, and a large number of talented people and investment sources are continuously flooding into the Internet. In stark contrast to the fact that in 1999, the price of domestic genuine software was repeatedly created. “New bottom”. Faced with the fierce impact of the “Internet economy”, how will the software be repositioned, and what will the software industry look like tomorrow? Beijing Shida Mingtai Co., Ltd. has launched its “i Software” series of products, iShop, and Oriental Auction King. iBid) and iPage. Jin Shan Company, one of the famous domestic general-purpose software companies, began the operation of “i Software”. Its iWPS white paper conference, the theme of which was “Software to help the Internet, iWPS is the Internet” has come to an end. This is also after Shida Mingtai. Announced the software company that entered the “i Software” product operation. At this point, “i software” production