Detection of a longitudinal defect in a pipe based on guided circumferential waves techniques

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delphi_quaker
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Based on elasticity theory, the multi-modes and disperse characteristics of guided circumferential waves in a pipe were investigated theoretically and experimentally, the disperse curves of guided circumferential waves were gotten by numerical calculations. The relationships between the angle of beam transducer, frequency and guided circumferential modes were analyzed by our guided wave experiment system. Then single guided circumferential mode was excited in the pipe (O.D 88.8 mm, I.D 80.8 mm). An artificial longitudinal defect (25×1×0.7 mm) on the surface of the pipe was detected by use of the single guided circumferential wave. The results show that single guided circumferential mode can be excited in the pipe by choosing special frequency and special angle beam transducer, similar to the excitation of Lamb wave in a plate, and it can be used to find the longitudinal defect on a pipe surface. Based on elasticity theory, the multi-modes and disperse characteristics of guided circumferential waves in a pipe were investigated theoretically and experimentally, the disperse curves of guided circumferential waves were gotten by numerical calculations. The relationships between the angle of beam transducer, frequency and guided The circumferential modes were analyzed by our guided wave experiment system. Then single guided circumferential mode was excited in the pipe (OD 88.8 mm, ID 80.8 mm). An artificial longitudinal defect (25 × 1 × 0.7 mm) on the surface of the pipe was detected by use of the single guided circumferential wave. The results show that single guided circumferential wave. can be excited in the pipe by selecting special frequency and special angle beam transducer, similar to the excitation of Lamb wave in a plate, and it can be used to find the longitudinal defect on a pipe surface.
秦巴山区是我国著名的山地灾害多发区。为了研究该区域公路斜坡的成灾机制和发育规律,通过对陕南G 316国道早阳~蜀河段斜坡灾害的实地调查,总结了斜坡灾害点的基本情况,指出
对陨石熔壳的物质成分及微结构构造的研究,不仅有助于对陨石表面与大气层物质相互作用的认识,而且可以为重返大气层宇宙飞船外表材料的研究提供一定的依据。 关于吉林陨石的
一、前言我院三迭纪科研组在测制川西北上三迭统剖面时,于江油县马鞍塘、安县濉水、绵竹县汉旺等处采得一些苔藓虫化石。这是我国继西藏珠穆朗玛峰报导之后,又一处发现 I.