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  〖WTHZ〗Abstract:〖WTBZ〗Michel Foucault,the French postmodernist,has been hugely influential in shaping understandings of power and discourse.In his opinion,social groups,identities and positions do not preexist and somehow determine their own and other cultural meanings.They are produced within discourses which defines what they are and how they operate.In other words,the world is constructed within language.Aided by Foucault’s theory of discourse and power,this paper is to present a critical examination of the Greek film Dog Tooth and explore the strength of discourse in making and remaking the world in a particular way.
  〖WTHZ〗Key Words:〖WTBZ〗Foucault;discourse;power;resistence〖WT〗
  〖WTHZ〗Ⅰ Introduction〖WT〗
  The Greek film,Dog Tooth,depicts a wealthy but abnormal family,a couple with three adult children,living in a beautiful rural villa surrounded by high walls.Except for the father,who regularly go out to work to support the family,the wife and the three children are confined in the house and live a purely isolated life.To prevent his children from going out,the father depicts the world as evil with ferocious animals eating people everywhere,and they can’t go out before the shedding of their “dog teeth”.Without network,newpaper,television and broadcast,the children don’t have any information about the outside world and they can only receive twisted knowledge from their parents and play with some dull games day after day,such as putting their fingers in the hot water to see who can endure the longest.Raised in such a family,the three children are,on one hand,full of fear of the outside world;on the other hand,their curiosity and desire to explore the eternal world is repressed.However,the human nature of yearning for freedom and the desire to communicate with the outside world is unstoppable anyway.Gradually,conflict and hatred arise within this family.In the end,the eldest daughter,the most rebellious one,smashed her teeth with a dumbbell and escaped from the house.
  〖WTHZ〗Ⅱ Foucaut’s Theory of Discourse and Power〖WT〗
  Machel Foucault(192684)was a French philosopher and historian who has had a dramatic and farreaching impact on cultural studies through his work on the connections between power,discourse and subjectivity.Discourse is conversation,or information.For Foucault,a discourse exists as a set of “rules” which determine what the criteria for truth are and what sorts of things can be talked about.   For Foucault,it is through discourse that we are created.Think of it this way:if it is true that we are the sum of our experiences,then those in control of our early life experiences have enormous power.In an isolated family,a child’s knowledge depends upon just a few people.In a sense,those few people,such as parents,create the child’s identity.The child can’t know anything but what is communicated to them.Likewise,if our identity is created by the media,our world view is limited to the world view of a few individual.Thus,we can see that discourse is created and perpetuated by those who have the power and means of communication.Those who are in control decide who we are by deciding what we discuss.
  According to Foucault,truth,morality and meaning are created through discouse.Every age has a dominant group of discursive elements that people live in unconsciously.Those in dominant position privilege ideas of what is normal and acceptable which people are expected to behave accordingly;by stressing these values,the “authority” implicitly marginalizes those who don’t hold those values.Change may only happen when a new counterdiscursive elements begin to receive wide attention through the means of communication,which is called resistence.
  〖WTHZ〗Ⅲ A Case Study of Dog tooth〖WT〗
  Let’s have a further analysis of this film.To put the children under his totalitarian rule,the father tried every means to instill discipline in them,ensuring their bodies and souls function in a uniform and standardized way,such as violence——the children are often beaten and scolded;brainwashing——the recorder repeatedly plays“love family” propaganda;bribery——the father regularly hires a female employee from his company to satisfy his son’s sexual desire.Among these measures,a core element is the transformation of language.
  “Today we are going to study some new words including,the sea,highway,hiking……The sea is a kind of leather sofa.When you are tired,you can say,‘I want to sit on the sea.’The highway is a strong wind.Hiking is a hard material……” Since the children can only get information from their parents,all of the“dangerous”words which may arouse the children’s fantasy and longing for the outside world are endowed with a different meaning.In this family,all unfathomable words are defined as safe and comfortable;the magic are defined as insipid;the fascinating are defined as dull.When the son hears a word“zombie”and asks the mother what that means,the mother answers,“Zombie is a kind of small yellow flower.”The maintenance of this“harmonious family”is based on lies.Dog tooth is another important image in the film.According to the father,shedding of dog tooth marks the maturity of people.As long as their dog tooth does not fall,it shows that they haven’t grown up and can’t adapt to the outside world.   Through distortion of language,the children are completely brainwashed,their thoughts have been tamed and their feelings have been numbed.When a cat broke into the yard,the son mercilessly kills the intruder without hesitation.The father said,“Well done! Cat is a cruel animal which eats people for living.”Through these example,we can see that redefining words is a way of controlling thoughts and thus power is constructed within this family by the tool of discourse(language).
  〖WTHZ〗IV conclusion〖WT〗
  This film is a lively example of Foucault’s idea that discourse(language)does not only reflect or represent the world,but that it constructs.By revelation of the absurdity of the“utopia”constructed by the father,this paper explores the strength of discourse in making and remaking the world in a particular way.
  [1] Elaine Baldwin Longhurst Smith.Introducing Ccultural Studies.Bei jing University press,2005.
  [2] Lois Tyson.Cirtical Theory Today.Routledge,2006.
  [3] http:∥movie.douban.com/review/5050283/.
  [4] http:∥answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200809061 34243AAEceR2.
摘 要:表现主义区别于写实(现实)主义,艺术家不注重表现对象的外部特征,而着重体现个人自己内心的情感。艺术家所选取的形式都是为表达他们内心情感来服务的。德国著名舞蹈大师皮娜·鲍什师承著名舞蹈家库特·尤斯,至此表现主义变成了一股力量显露于她今后的作品中。本文将以作品《康乃馨》为例,结合皮娜·鲍什个人的经历,来谈她舞蹈中的表现主义倾向。  关键词:皮娜·鲍什;康乃馨;表现主义倾向  “我舞蹈,因为我悲
摘 要:随着数字化时代的到来,人们面对的数据信息数量庞大、范围广阔、结构复杂而抽象。作为处理信息数据重要方式的图表越来越受到人们的重视。以数字屏幕为载体,以计算机交互技术为实现手段,以用户介入阅读为特征的介入式数字地图,以其独特的阅读优势正逐渐地走入社会生活的各个领域。与传统图表[1]相比,介入式数字地图将用户原先的被动方式转变为具有参与性的主动阅读,这无疑是具有划时代意义的。本篇文章通过“介入”
摘 要:二胡名曲《二泉映月》以其强烈的震撼力感染着世界,它是作者阿炳一生悲惨命运的真实写照;是当时社会民间流浪艺人悲欢离合的集中体现;是中华民族优秀传统音乐文化的集中体现;是“弱势人”的战斗檄文。它的成功不是侥幸的,“这种音乐只应该跪着听”。  关键词:阿炳;《二泉映月》;跪着听  1978年6月,日本著名指挥家小泽征尔在中央音乐学院聆听我国著名二胡曲《二泉映月》时情不自禁,掩面而泣,虔诚的说道:
摘要:在双排键电子琴舞台演出时,音乐厅的灯光技术、现场灯光调控与音乐互动的统一气氛是非常重要的,灯光与音乐的结合是表演艺术的新趋势,它们的结合才形成有声有色的舞台表演艺术语言。灯光与音乐的结合不仅仅是透过联想,而是直接把声音和画面交融在声光节律的整体之中。光与音乐在空间和谐的组合时,它强调的是音乐和灯光之间形成的统一的视觉空间也就是舞台时空环境。  关键词:灯光;色彩;音乐;时空环境;光束节奏;双
摘 要:在艺术领域,绘画以其独特的方式研究表现对象真实的可能性。所谓绘画的真实是指如何使绘画所表现的对象与客观对象相符合的过程。通过艺术家的实践,人们对绘画真实的认识在不断地发展和变化。在西方,从对对象精确、客观地描绘到主观表现的过程中可以看出艺术家在研究和探索绘画真实性上所做出的努力,这是一个从外在真实到内在真实转化的认识过程。在中国,随着艺术实践的深入,人们对绘画的真实有了不同的理解。五四时期
摘 要:中国民间传统家具是民间生活的重要组成部分,渗透着民间大众追求幸福吉祥、祈福安康等民俗心态与家族情感。本文以川底下村43号民居个案为例,在对家族历史资料的了解和传统家具的实测数据资料分析得知,传统家具不仅仅在形式上具有一定价值,更无价的是隐含在传统家具外观表层下更深内涵的家族情感因素,有象征家族辈分的炕案,有寄托幸福的婚嫁橱柜家具,还有体现父子情的火炉。充分说明民间传统家具是家族情感的载体之
摘 要:随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活的追求也越来越高,追求高品位的生活。红木家具是提升品位身份的优选。但是,在这种情况下红木家具要紧跟时代的步伐进行创新设计才能更具发展潜力。本文以红木家具创新设计研发为侧重点,通过分析典型红木家具的内涵、设计元素、流行趋势,探索红木家具改良设计的创新理念和设计方法。  关键词:苏作红木家具;发展;传统创新;设计形式  居所,是从古到今人们不断追求的一种生
摘 要:本文主要对香烟包装的特殊形式——工艺品烟盒的现状及发展前景进行分析,结合传统烟包装的结构进行分析,得出工艺品烟盒成为时代发展一种趋势的结论。  关键词:香烟包装;包装设计;工艺品烟盒  包装是企业创造利润的重要手段之一。卷烟包装也不例外,它主要有4项功能:保护产品、防伪、装饰美化及宣传产品。没有好的包装就没有好的市场,这已经是一条市场营销规律。近几年,我国卷烟包装有了很大发展,有些包装远远
摘 要:作为日本口承文学代表的民间故事早为人们所知,但应该注意的是,这些故事诞生的初衷并不是为了要讲给儿童听。当代的儿童绘本,将日本民间故事删选改编,重新编辑成新的故事提供给日本家庭,用于亲子间的情感交流以及儿童教育,并给日本文化的传承带来新的思路。  关键词:日本;民间故事;儿童绘本  谈及日本,无法忽视其庞大的动漫产业,从漫画到动画以及相关周边产业,日本是唯一一个可以和美国相抗衡的国家。动画作
摘 要:本文通过对西方相关文献的回顾与总结,对异文化下听众的视觉反应差的进行了初步的实证研究。实验假设不同背景的人对同一首歌曲会产生不同的视觉反应,而初测实验证实了这一假设。在西方音乐心理学研究中,文化背景(cultural background)与视觉反应(visual response)是听众音乐经验(musical experience)中的两个重要因素。一方面,文化背景包括一个人的行为习惯