
来源 :山西老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zengqz
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严金元的大哥叫根元,大嫂叫郭秀,两人都年近五十岁。全家四口人,家务忙碌,经济负担较重。 1990年6月,金元的妻子产后9天,突然暴亡,金元痛哭不止,没娘的男婴哇哇直叫,全村人看到这种惨景,都为金元犯愁。 就在这危难时刻,金元的大嫂郭秀挺身而出,将孩子抱在怀里,带回自己家里抚养。她对金元说:“不要哭了,哭有什么用!孩子由我带大就是了。”金元对大嫂说:“你家负担重,一个孩子要累三年穷,我怎么忍心呢?”郭秀斩钉截铁地说:“这你就甭管了。天大的困难我来担!” Yan Jinyuan’s eldest brother named Root Yuan, sister named Guo Xiu, both in their late 50s. Family of four people, household chores, heavier financial burden. June 1990, Jinyuan’s wife 9 days postpartum, a sudden death toll, Jinyuan more than crying, no mother’s baby wow straightforward, the whole village to see this tragedy, are Jinyuan worry. Just at this critical time, Jin Yuan’s sister Guo Xiu came forward to hold the child in his arms, brought back to support their own homes. She said to Jin-yuan: “Do not cry, what’s the use of crying! The children are brought by me.” Jin Yuan said to her sister, “Your family is overburdened and one child is tired for three years. How can I bear it?” “Guo Xiu categorically said:” This is what you control. The great difficulties I come to bear! "
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