人教版高中课程标准教科书化学2 第一章实验的教学设计

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一、本章实验的分析本章教材包括元素周期表、元素周期律和化学键三部分内容。其中的化学实验不分演示实验和学生实验,目的是让教师根据实验内容和学校的条件,尽可能多地开设成学生实验。实验的呈现方式一般是通过概括性较强的文字、表格等将实验要点(含仪器与试剂)列出,并用插图显示实验装置等,然后对实验现象、结论或解释进行提问,让学生观察、思考并记录。本章实验的功能是促使学生将初中和化学1学过的有关元素化合物(主要是碱金属与卤素等)的性质、反应与原子结构等知识进行整合、概括(使相关理论知识通过与元素化合物知识的融合而更加直观化、 First, the analysis of the chapter of this chapter teaching materials include the periodic table of the elements, the periodic law of the elements and the chemical bond in three parts. The chemistry experiment is not divided into demonstration experiment and student experiment. The purpose is to let the teacher set up as many experiments as possible according to the experiment contents and the conditions of the school. Experiments are generally presented in the form of summary texts, tables, etc. The experimental points (including instruments and reagents) are listed, and the experimental apparatus with illustrations, etc., and then test the phenomenon, conclusions or explanations for questioning so that students observe, Think and record. The function of the experiment in this chapter is to encourage students to integrate the properties of elementary compounds (mainly alkali metals and halogens, etc.), reaction and atomic structure knowledge in junior high school and chemistry 1, and summarize (to make the relevant theoretical knowledge pass the knowledge of elemental compounds The integration of more intuitive,
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