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大众文化在社会生活中的广泛影响,推动了传播学等理论的发展。在高中生思想道德建设中,必须研究国外传播学的理论,并吸取其中符合中国国情、能为我所用的内容。遗憾的是,在高中生思想道德建设与传播学理论的结合方面,我们做得还很少。在当前形势下,要开拓高中生思想道德建设的新局面,必须重视和加强这方面的工作。 The widespread influence of popular culture in social life has promoted the development of theories such as communication science. In the ideological and moral construction of senior high school students, we must study the theory of foreign communication studies and draw the content that can be used by China according to China’s national conditions. Unfortunately, we have done very little to integrate the ideological and moral construction of high school students with the theory of communication. Under the current circumstances, if we want to explore a new situation in the ideological and moral construction of high school students, we must attach importance to and strengthen the work in this respect.
在西藏发展的历史进程中,2006年可以说是不平凡的一年,经济发展亮点纷呈,总结成绩可圈可点。这既是中央特殊关心,全国人民无私支援的结果; In the course of the historical
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