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常有公检法的领导在谈到工作的难度时总是说,工作别的不怕,就怕没有事做,没有案子办;案源减少了,日子就难过。乍一听,没有案源似乎应该是一件好事,公检法没有案子可办那不是政治稳定,社会安定,人民安居乐业了么?没有刑事案件说明群众的生命财产安全有了保障;经济案件少了,说明经济纠纷少了;自侦案件少了,说明职务犯罪的人少了,这不是好事么?可是,既然是好事,为什么作为问题提出来呢?这是因为公检法的案源少了,就意味着办案经费——机关的可支配收入减少了。从社会角度讲,案件越少越好;可是从这些单位的经济角度来讲,却是案件越多越好。不然,他们何来钱盖高楼大厦,何来钱支薪发奖?焦点访谈不是曾经披露过一个贫困地方的检察院,却盖起了一幢非常气派的检 When talking about the difficulty of working hard, the leaders of the public security official always say that they are not afraid to do other things. They are afraid that nothing will be done and no cases will be handled. The number of cases has been reduced and the days will be sad. At first glance, there is no case source should seem to be a good thing, there is no case of prosecutorial law to do that is not political stability, social stability, the people live and work in peace? No criminal cases that the people’s lives and property security has been protected; economic cases less, This shows that there are fewer economic disputes. Since there are fewer investigation cases and fewer job-related crimes, is not this a good thing? However, since it is a good thing, why is it raised as a problem? This is because fewer cases of public security prosecution The handling of funds - agencies reduce the disposable income. From a social point of view, the fewer the cases, the better; but from the perspective of the economy of these units, the more cases they have, the better. Otherwise, why do they come to cover high-rise buildings, where to pay the prize money? Focus interview is not once disclosed a poor local procuratorate, but built a very seductive inspection
预计2013年全球铁矿石需求量为19.7亿t,2014年为20.15亿t,分别较上年增加5 400万t和4 478万t。2013年四大铁矿石供应商的产量将较2012年增加7000万t,2014年新增产能约1亿t。
高中,我是以全市第一名的优异成绩考上的。当时,我被省重点中学录取,但我不屑一顾,选择一所较近的普通中学就读。我认为,是金子,在哪里都能发光。 High school, I was admi
梅山高炉在一台烧结机大修期间搭配41%落地烧结矿组织生产,高炉保持顺行高产,全月高炉系数达2.085t/m~3·d,创历次烧结机大修期间高炉生产的最好水平。 During the overhaul
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