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我国铁路,包括国家铁路、地方铁路、专用铁路和铁路专用线。铁道部作为国务院铁路主管部门,主管全国铁路工作,对国家铁路实行高度集中、统一指挥的运输管理体制,对地方铁路、专用铁路和铁路专用线进行指导、协调、监督和帮助。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,现行铁路体制存在的问题日益突出,主要表现在:政府职能缺位和越位,市场主体虚化,建设投资单一,运价管制过死。 China’s railways, including the national railways, local railways, special railways and railway lines. As the competent railway department under the State Council, the Ministry of Railways is in charge of the work of the national railway and carries out a highly centralized and unified command of the national railway. It also provides guidance, coordination, supervision and assistance to local railways, special railways and railway special lines. With the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economic system, the problems existing in the existing railway system have become increasingly prominent. The problems are mainly manifested in the absence of government functions and offsides, the fragmentation of market players, the single investment in construction and the overdue tariff regulation.
我国古代许多诗词佳句中,都包含了物理知识,下面举例说明: 例1 李白的《望天门山》中有“两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来”的佳句,在这两句诗中,作者选择的参照物分别是( ).
Maybe it is true that we do not know what wehave got until we lose it.But it is also true that we donot know what we have been missing until it arrives. Giving
-一、选择题〔共20分,每小题2分) 1.某台显微镜分别标有sx和lox的目镜两个,rox和4Ox的物镜两个,那么该台显微镜的最大放大倍数是()。 A .80倍B.200倍C.400倍D.500倍 2.吃西瓜
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