总结过去 思考未来——全国组织部长会议侧记

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8月18日,全国组织部长会议在北京召开。大会开幕这一天,只见来自各地各部门的书记、部长、司局长们三三两两走出招待所的后门,走入附近一家宾馆的礼堂,会议就在这样朴实的气氛中开始了。中午开饭,除主食外,每人面前各放一个长方形的盘予,内分荤素三种菜,各人吃一份,伙食没有一分钱的补贴;五天会期,没有安排一次文娱活动,各种交流、讨论安排得满满的。廉洁清新的会风值得赞扬,而会议的内容更引起全党瞩目。开幕式上宋平同志的报告,8月21日江泽民、李鹏、乔石、宋平、李瑞环等中央领导同志同代表们座谈时的重要讲话,宋平同志深入小组参加讨论,这一切促使全体代表更认真地总结过去,思考未来,聚精会神地研究加强党建的问题。 August 18, the National Organization Committee convened in Beijing. On the day when the General Assembly was opened, the secretaries, ministers and directors from all localities and departments saw out of the back door of the hostel in 1922 and into the auditorium of a nearby hotel, and the meeting began in such a simple atmosphere. Lunch at noon, in addition to the staple food, each in front of each put a rectangular plate, the meat and vegetables within the sub-three dishes, each eat a meal without a penny subsidy; five days session, did not arrange a recreational activities, All kinds of exchanges, discussion arrangements are full. The clean and fresh conference style is commendable, and the content of the conference arouses the attention of the whole party. Comrade Song Ping’s report at the opening ceremony, the important speech made by Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Qiao Shi, Song Ping and Li Ruihuan during the discussion with representatives on August 21 and Comrade Song Ping’s in-depth discussion in the group all urged all delegates More seriously summarize the past, think about the future, concentrate on studying the issue of strengthening party building.
part.1rnMiss Cat第一次遇到Mr.是在微信上.突如其来的好友申请,快得就像地铁里的一阵风,清新、突然,并且不可抗拒.rn于是,Mr.就这么走进了Miss Cat的生活中.rn这一年,她21,
01 少年白令rn哪条海峡连接了两大洋,同时也是两块大陆、两大洲、两个国家、两个半岛的分界线?rn中学第一节地理课,那位看上去和蔼可亲的慈祥阿姨就来了个摸底抽问.
Background: Xiaoqinglong decoction (XQLD) is a classic Chinese medicinal formula that is widely used to treat allergic asthma. Recently, the use of XQLD to trea