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黄志勇(1914—),原名黄念卓,江西崇义人。1929年加入中国共产主义青年团,1930年转入中国共产党。土地革命战争时期,历任地方工作团宣传队分队长,团俱乐部主任,团党总支书记,师俱乐部主任,团政治委员。参加了长征。抗日战争时期,任抗日军政大学训练部政治教员兼教育干事、第四大队政治处主任、第三大队政治委员,中央军委总参谋部作战科代理科长、作战室主任,军事学院政治部主任,陕甘宁晋绥联防军组织部副部长。抗日战争胜利后,赴东北任干部第二团政治委员,冀东军区政治部副主任、第十四旅副政治委员,冀察热辽军区政治部组织部部长、独立第十六旅政治委员,热中军分区政治委员兼地委书记,冀察热辽军区参谋长,东北 Huang Zhiyong (1914-), formerly known as Huang Nian Zhuo, Jiangxi Chongyi people. In 1929 to join the Chinese Communist Youth League, 1930 into the Chinese Communist Party. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, he served successively as team leader of propaganda corps for local work groups, director of regimental clubs, party branch secretary, division club director and regiment political commissar. Participated in the Long March. During the Anti-Japanese War, he served as Political Instructor and Education Officer in the Training Department of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, director of the Political Department of the 4th Battalion, political commissar of the 3rd Battalion, acting chief of the combat section of the General Staff Headquarters of the Central Military Commission, director of war room, director of political department of the Military Academy, Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Joint Deputy Anti-military Organization Department. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he went on to work as a member of the second regiment of the Northeast Cadre, the deputy director of the Political Department of Jidong Military Region, the deputy political commissar of the XIVth Brigade, the head of the organizational department of the Political Department of the Rehebi Military Region in Hebei Province, the independent member of the 16th Lvzhi Political Committee, Politburo Political Committee and prefectural Party committee secretary, Hebei Province Jiao Liao war zone chief of staff, northeast
A new aryltetrahydronaphthalene lignan,(+)-cycloolivil formaldehyde condensate(1),was isolated from the whole plants of Epimedium brevicornum(Berberidaceae).Its