
来源 :胜利石油化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dysongbo
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我厂加工胜利原油,原油中含有有害杂质为:硫为0.60~1.1%,盐为180~200毫克/升以上,氮为0.63%,酸值为0.510毫克K时/克。从六七年十月至七六年十月运转近九年,开工周期由初期的176天延长至470天,处理量由初期的3000吨/日提高到10000吨/日以上。经过十次检修,通过设备管线的外观检查,电阻探针,冷凝水化学分析,超声波测厚等观测手段,发现装置的各管线存在着不同程度的腐蚀。开工初期,由于对加工含硫原油的设备管线认识不足,曾给装置的生产带来了一定的被动局面。如常压塔顶回流罐底放水管为Φ57×5、10#钢,使用60天后腐蚀穿孔。为了防止低温轻油部位的HCL—H_2S—H_2O腐蚀,我们陆续采用了“一脱四注”(即原油电脱盐,原油注碱,塔顶馏出线注氨、注缓蚀剂、注水。)的工艺性综合防腐措施,腐蚀情况大为减轻,从根本上改变了腐蚀环境,较充分地抑制了腐蚀介质的发生和作用,大大减轻了常减压馏出系统的腐蚀。如常压塔顶空冷器进口腐蚀率由原大于2.33毫米、年,降低为0.2毫米/年。因此我厂在常减压系统的低温轻油部位均采用普通碳钢管,催化和焦化分馏塔顶系统由于腐蚀不重,亦采用普通碳钢管。 I plant processing victory crude oil, crude oil contains harmful impurities: sulfur is 0.60 to 1.1%, the salt is 180 ~ 200 mg / L and above, nitrogen is 0.63%, acid value of 0.510 mg K / g. From October, 2007 to October, 1976, it operated for nearly nine years. The start-up period was extended from the initial 176 days to 470 days. The handling capacity was increased from 3,000 tons / day to over 10,000 tons / day. After ten times of maintenance, through the appearance inspection of equipment pipeline, resistance probe, chemical analysis of condensate water, ultrasonic thickness measurement and other means of observation, it was found that the pipeline of the device has different degrees of corrosion. At the beginning of the project, due to lack of knowledge about the equipment pipeline for processing sour crude oil, it had brought a certain passive situation to the production of the device. Such as atmospheric pressure top reflux tank bottom drain Φ57 × 5,10 # steel, the use of corrosion perforation after 60 days. In order to prevent the corrosion of HCL-H 2 S-H 2 O at low temperature and light oil, we have successively adopted “one off four injection” (that is, desalination of crude oil, injection of crude oil, injection of ammonia in overhead line, injection of corrosion inhibitor and water injection) Comprehensive anti-corrosion measures of technology, greatly reduce the corrosion situation, fundamentally changed the corrosive environment, more fully inhibited the occurrence of corrosive media and role, greatly reducing the atmospheric vacuum distillation system corrosion. Such as atmospheric pressure overhead air cooler inlet corrosion rate from the original greater than 2.33 mm, reduced to 0.2 mm / year. Therefore, I plant in the atmospheric and vacuum systems at low temperature light oil parts are used ordinary carbon steel pipe, catalytic and coking fractionation overhead system due to corrosion is not heavy, but also the use of ordinary carbon steel pipe.
我知道命运掌握在我自己的手中,我知道巨大的成功马上就要到来。——贝尔 亚历山大·贝尔干1847年3月3日出生在苏格兰的爱丁堡。贝尔的父亲是演说学和演讲艺术学的教授,这意
佟大为是著名当红小生,主演了《奋斗》《婚姻保卫战》《金陵十三钗》等60多部热播影视剧。妻子关悦也是影视明星,在《神探狄仁杰》《我的儿子是奇葩》等影视剧中有过精彩表现。2015年2月18日除夕之夜,夫妇俩还登上了央视春晚。鲜为人知的是,佟大为与关悦结婚后,因生活理念迥异,夫妻俩有过摩擦。几番碰撞后,两人找到了节俭与品质生活的平衡点,践行“新节俭主义”生活方式,从而让婚姻活色生香……  理念不同引发明
部标准HB0-91-76《渐开线圆柱齿轮传动 模数 基准齿形公差》在基准齿形方面,给出了与20°并列的25°齿形角,这对高强度齿轮的设计提供了新的选择余地。 Ministry of Standar