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“人才租赁”——一种新型的人才管理与使用模式在江苏省盐城市诞生。 随着事业单位人事制度的深化改革和企业单位现代企业制度的逐步建立,特别是一些热点行业,一方面急需要使用一些有括力、有知识、有素养的年轻人才,另一方面又而临人员难进难出的困难。针对用人单位而临的这种尴尬局面,盐城市人才中心组织人员主动上门,积极与用人单位探讨,以《劳动法》为依据,以人事代理为依托,创立了人才租赁业务。 需要租赁人才的单位,首先要向人才中心提出申请,经审核同意后,人才中心与用人单位签定“人才租赁协议书”。人才中心根据用人单位的要求,而向社会公开招聘人才,“人才”经用人单位考核合格后,人才中心与“人才”签定“人才租赁合同”, “Talent Leasing” - A New Talent Management and Usage Model was born in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. With the deepening reform of the personnel system in public institutions and the gradual establishment of the modern enterprise system in enterprises, especially in some hot industries, there is an urgent need to use some young talents with brains, knowledge and literacy on the one hand, Difficulties difficult to come by In response to the embarrassing situation of employing units, Yancheng Talent Center organizers volunteered to discuss with employers actively and set up the talent leasing business based on the “Labor Law” and on the basis of personnel agency. The units that need to rent personnel should first apply to the Talent Center. Upon approval, the Talent Center and the Employer sign the Talent Leasing Agreement. Talent Center According to the requirements of employers, and to the public open recruitment of personnel, “talent” after passing the examination of the employing units, the talent center and the “talent” signed a “talent lease contract”
战略之一──人才国际化战略 经济全球化必然要求人才国际化。上海的人才国际化战略主要体现在三个方面:一是人才构成国际化。二是人才素质国际化。三是人才活动空间国际化。
国企改革的新趋势 北京大学工商管理研究所所长张维迎教授指出,国有企业的低效率是一个全球普遍存在的现象,因而,不论是发达国家还是发展中国家,市场经济国家还是计划经济国家,都
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