许某某,男,58岁,住院号145371。因尿频、性欲减低、阳萎一年余,头晕、行走不稳11个月,于1983年4月22日以特发性直立性低血压(Shy-Drager 氏综合症)住院。患者于1981年2月份,发现小便次数增多,每天10——20次,伴尿急,无尿痛,同时出现性欲减低及阳萎,尿常规检查正常。病症一个月头晕,站立时头晕加重,平卧时好转。有时晕倒,但意识清楚,双腿发软、震颤,步态不稳。外院检查:血压60/40
Xu Moumou, male, 58 years old, hospital number 145371. He was hospitalized for idiopathic orthostatic hypotension (Shy-Drager’s syndrome) on April 22, 1983, due to frequent urination, decreased libido, more than one year of impotence, dizziness and unstable walking. Patients in February 1981 and found that urinary frequency increased, 10 - 20 times a day, with urgency, no dysuria, while reducing libido and impotence, urinary routine examination was normal. One month dizziness, dizziness when standing aggravating, supine improvement. Sometimes fainted, but aware, legs soft, tremor, gait instability. Outside the hospital check: blood pressure 60/40