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这件大化石既有造型,又有画面,画随石形,既美既妙,令人神思飘然。作为山形石来看,它形如叠嶂壁立,前山旖旎,后山雄浑,无疑是一件上乘的藏品。然而,大自然却将这两座“山峰”当做画布,绘出了两幅迥然不同的夕阳景色。前面一幅是以细腻的笔法绘制的乡间晚晴之境:落日的余晖染红了天,染红了水,染红了万物;天际那一团明黄,正是徐徐西沉的太阳;近处的岸边还站着一只农家狗,像是被这迷人的晚霞所陶醉……一切是那么的和谐、静谧, This large fossil both shape, and picture, painting with the stone shape, both the United States wonderful, it is a wonder floating in the air. As the Yamagata Shiken, it shaped like a stack of erect walls, an exquisite mountain front, powerful mountains, is undoubtedly a superior collection. However, nature uses these two “peaks” as canvas and draws two very different sunset scenes. In front of a fine drawing is drawn in the country of fine weather: the setting sun twilight days, dyed water, dyed all things; sky that a group of bright yellow, it is the sun slowly Xu Shen; near Still standing on the shore of a farm dog, like being intoxicated by this charming sunset ... Everything is so harmonious, quiet,
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