
来源 :军事历史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nnlan
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日本军事理论家浅野佑吾著的《军事思想史入门》(以下简称《入门》)一书,在日本学术界颇有影响。笔者应解放军出版社之邀,将之译出(解放军出版社出版)。译后掩卷而思,深为其研究军事理论的新颖角度和探索精神所触动。诚然,东邻之见不敢全然苟同,但其中不乏真知灼见,有助于思考我们民族军事思想的优长劣短。《入门》一书从军事思想发展历史的角度提出,军事思想含有军事制度、兵器技术以及 Japanese Military Theorist Yasuharu Asano, “The Beginning of the History of Military Thinking” (hereinafter referred to as “Getting Started”) has an influential influence on Japanese academia. The author should be invited by the People’s Liberation Army Press, will be translated (People’s Liberation Army Publishing House). After the translation and concealing and thinking, deep for its study of military theory of novelty and exploration of the touch. It is true that the views of the neighbors can not totally agree, but many of them are very insightful and helpful in thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of our national military thinking. The book “Getting Started” was put forward from the perspective of the history of the development of military ideology. The military ideology contains the military system, weapons technology and
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《发生在里海边的流血悲剧》记叙了苏联阿塞拜疆族与亚美尼亚族因纳戈尔诺—卡拉巴赫地区治权问题而产生的纠纷中的最新一轮暴力冲突的经过。 The “bloody tragedy that to
我的好老伴 最美孩他娘  自从退伍回家中,  枕上常梦老军营。  常梦操场练正步,  常梦饭前军歌声。  常梦假日战友篮球赛,  常梦考场第一名。  部队生活虽不长,  短短几年影响我一生。  自从退伍回家中,  枕上常梦老军营。  常梦拉练挥热汗,  常梦三九训练中。  常梦胸前戴着大红花,  常梦比武得冠军。  部队生活虽不长,  短短几年武装我一生。  你唱的歌好甜  你穿的衣最靓  你把风
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