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改革开放以来,浙江经济迅速发展,产业结构也随之逐步升级。但是,相对于其经济的高速增长而言,产业结构的升级相对缓慢,并大量存在企业经济效益比较好、产业附加值比较低等矛盾和问题。其主要原因在于,在浙江的产业升级过程中,存在着无限供给的廉价劳动力、传统产业市场需求巨大、创新能力比较弱以及传统的路径依赖等制约因素。如何突破这些因素的制约,是浙江实现产业升级的关键。 Since the reform and opening up, Zhejiang’s economy has developed rapidly and its industrial structure has also escalated. However, relative to its rapid economic growth, the upgrading of industrial structure is relatively slow, and there are many contradictions and problems in enterprises such as better economic returns and lower added value of industries. The main reason is that in the process of industrial upgrading in Zhejiang, there are constraints such as cheap supply of unlimited supply, huge demand in the traditional industries, weak innovation ability and traditional path dependence. How to break through the constraints of these factors is the key to achieving industrial upgrading in Zhejiang.
Solar corona study is an important aspect of space weather research.In recent years,great achieVements have been acquired on the solar corona study by the space
目的 研究中国正常人群脊髓小脑性共济失调(spinocerebellar ataxia,SCA)8型(SCA8)致病基因ATXN8OS(CTA/CTG)n正常变异范围,以及AIXN8OS基因(CTA/CTG)n扩展突变在中国大陆SCA
Plants are a rich source of valuable secondary metabolites and in the recent years plant cell, tissue and organ cultures have been developed as an important alt
Wind speed scaling in similarity law in wind-generated waves and the drag coefficient are studied. In analyzing the data in the wind wave channel, it is found t