历年稻象甲〔Echinocnemus sauameus Bill〕在恭城县零星发生,为害很轻。而1986年早稻秧田发生普遍、秧苗受害空前严重。该虫以越冬后的成虫咬食秧苗心叶、叶片、茎秆,被害秧苗叶片在横排小孔或被咬断漂浮于水面。虫口少时只田埂边的秧苗被害,重则整块秧苗被咬光。一般以近山边、沟边、生长嫩绿的秧田受害较重。秧苗受害率最高为
Echinocnemus sauameus Bill has been a sporadic occurrence in Gongcheng County over the years, causing much damage. In 1986, early occurrence of rice seedling occurred universally and the seedlings suffered unprecedented severity. The insects bite the heart of the young leaves, leaves, stalks, killed seedling leaves in the horizontal rows of holes or biting off floating in the water surface. Insect mouth only when the field edge of the seedlings were killed, while the whole piece of seedlings are biting light. Generally near the mountain, ditch edge, growing green seedling heavier. The highest rate of seedling damage is