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科学发展观是中国特色社会主义理论体系的最新成果,是马克思主义关于发展的世界观和方法论的集中体现,是我们党从新世纪、新阶段发展全局出发提出的重大战略思想。自科学发展观理论提出以来,学术理论界紧密围绕科学发展观的丰富内蕴、科学发展观的理论定位、科学发展观的历史演进以及科学发展观的践行路径等若干重要论域从多角度进行了坦诚、广泛而且深入的研究与阐释,形成了一批高质量、有影响的深度研究成果,为科学发展观提供了坚实的科学理论基础。文章就此展开了认真梳理和归纳概括,希冀能够拓展人们的理性认知并为后续学理探究和实践探索提供理论参考与有益借鉴。科学发展观研究仍存较大的理论拓展空间。今后的研究应注重拓展研究视野与挖掘学理深度,在宏观描述与微观分析的紧密结合上下工夫,以推动相关理论探究从分散走向系统、从片面走向全面、从宏观走向微观、从粗浅走向深邃、从经验感性走向科学理性。 The scientific concept of development is the latest achievement of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the concentrated expression of Marxist world outlook and methodology on development, and a major strategic thinking put forward by our party for the overall development of the new century and new phase. Since the theory of scientific development has been put forward, academic circles have focused on the rich connotation of the scientific concept of development, the theoretical orientation of the scientific concept of development, the historical evolution of the scientific concept of development and the path of practice of the scientific concept of development. Conducted a frank, extensive and in-depth study and interpretation, and formed a group of high-quality and influential deep research results, which provided a solid scientific theoretical basis for the scientific concept of development. In this connection, the article conscientiously combs and summarizes, hoping to expand people’s rational cognition and provide theoretical reference and beneficial reference for the follow-up study and practical exploration. The study of the scientific concept of development is still a large theoretical space for development. Future research should focus on expanding the research field and mining the depth of theory, in the macro-description and micro-analysis of the close combination of efforts to promote the relevant theoretical research from decentralization to the system, from one-sided to comprehensive, from macro to micro, from superficial to deep, From Experience Perception to Scientific Reason.
The limitation and experimental CO2 sequestration degree of steel slag is the focus. The theoretical and the practical CO2 sequestration degree was assessed und
日前,继成功举办了摄影班、钓鱼班、吉它班、交谊舞班之后,北京铁路客运分公司北京车辆检修基地工会又于2002年12月开办了手风琴培训班。经 Recently, following the succe
6月12日 ,本刊记者就当前发达国家企业管理培训的理念、国内培训的现状与下一步工作的重点、应对我国即将加入WTO应采取的对策等问题 ,采访了国家经贸委培训司吴用可司长 ,现整理如