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当前,农村学校文化建设普遍存在三个方面的问题,即建设理念碎片化、建设过程机械化、建设成果低效化。社会主义核心价值观视域下的农村学校文化建设可以达成三方面的目标,即为农村学校文化建设提供核心理念支撑,打造有内涵的学校文化;为农村学生品德健康成长提供良好的道德生态环境,培养有信仰的青少年学生;为农村学校发挥在公民道德建设中的推动作用提供重要载体,形成有情怀的学校文化。社会主义核心价值观视域下的农村学校文化建设路径有五个方面,即强化社会主义核心价值观理念,建设学校管理文化;彰显社会主义核心价值观内涵,建设学校环境文化;以社会主义核心价值观为导向,建设学校教师文化;以社会主义核心价值观为主线,建设学生文化;秉承社会主义核心价值观精髓,建设校本课程文化。 At present, there are generally three problems in the construction of rural school culture, namely, the fragmentation of the construction concept, the mechanization of the construction process and the inefficient construction. The construction of rural school culture from the perspective of socialist core values ​​can achieve the goal of three aspects: to provide the core concept support for the construction of rural school culture and to create a connotation of school culture; to provide a good moral and ecological environment for the healthy development of rural students’ morality, Cultivate young students with faith and provide an important carrier for rural schools to play a catalytic role in building citizen’s morality and form a sentimental school culture. There are five aspects of rural school culture construction from the perspective of the socialist core values: strengthening the socialist core values ​​and building a school management culture; demonstrating the connotation of the socialist core values ​​and building a school environment culture; and taking the socialist core values ​​as the guideline , Building a school teacher culture; taking the socialist core values ​​as the main line and building a student culture; adhering to the essence of the socialist core values ​​and building a school-based curriculum culture.
【正】 上海市自1996年纺织、仪电两个行业率先建立再就业服务中心起,至1999年末共建立再就业服务中心308家,组织了83.3方名下岗职工(包括集体企业)进入中心,累计出中心68.8
雕刻业是曲阳县的特色产业,也是曲阳的传统产业和标志性产业,在全县经济发展中占有十分重要的地位。在经济全球化和中国加入W T O的新形势下,如何依托传统优势,加快特色产业
Presently,a growing number of analysis of reading are paying particular attention to the use that a reader must make of reading strategy prediction in one readi
【正】 由中国政府与联合国开发计划署(UNDP)共同实施的小城镇就业促进项目将于近日正式启动。实施小城镇就业促进项目的目的是,按照国民经济和社会发展“十五”计划要求,积