Neuroendocrine carcinoma of gallbladder: report of 2 cases

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BACKGROUND: Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the gall- bladder is rare. Its best treatment is not known. METHODS: Two patients underwent surgery earlier: one for suspected cholecystitis and the other for cholelithiasis. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography ( MRCP ) showed residual lesions in the livers. The two patients un- derwent revision surgery followed by chemotherapy. RESULTS; Both patients tolerated the second stage surgery well, which was followed by chemotherapy with paclitaxel, ifosphamide and cisplatin for 6 cycles. They were treated this way for 8 months and 12 months post treatment, re- spectively. CONCLUSIONS: A proper diagnosis of neuroendocrine carcinoma is made often after surgery. As it is a slow grow- ing tumor and not very chemotherapeutically, sensitive sur- gery offers the best local control. METHODS: Two patients underwent surgery earlier: one for suspected cholecystitis and the other for cholelithiasis. MRSA showed residual lesions in the livers. Both patients tolerated the second stage surgery well, which was followed by chemotherapy with paclitaxel, ifosphamide and cisplatin for 6 cycles. Both were tolerated the second stage surgery well, which was followed by chemotherapy with paclitaxel, ifosphamide and cisplatin for 6 cycles. treatment, re- spectively. CONCLUSIONS: A proper diagnosis of neuroendocrine carcinoma is made often after surgery. As it is a slow grow- ing tumor and not very chemotherapeutically, sensitive sur gery offers the best local control.
该逆变弧焊电源是一种效率高、节能并容易实现自动控制的焊接设备。该逆变弧焊电源采用了国外新型的电流型 PWM 控制器2846和 IGBT集成栅驱动器 HR065,外围电路设计独特,电
盐酸格拉司琼(granisetron hydrochloride and glucose injection,商品名:比立)为新一代强效、高选择性外周和中枢神经系统5-HT3受体拮抗剂.2002年进入临床以来,对预防和治疗化疗药物引起的恶心、呕吐取得了良好的疗效.本文总结2003年6月至2004年9月共84例患者对化疗药物(顺铂或阿霉素)所致胃肠反应使用比立的疗效,并与昂丹司琼比较,观察两药对止吐
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