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冷空气侵袭了集安大地,可爱的雪也如期而至,这里成了银白的世界,西大河河面上结了厚厚的冰。下午,我同爸爸妈妈来到了河边,在这雪白的世界里,在这洁白如玉的冰上,人们坐着爬犁,从坡上滑下来,速度极快,尖叫声、笑声在西大河的上空回荡。我迫不及待地想体验一下那种快感。我拉着爸爸妈妈来到了河面上,冰面真滑,走一步晃三步。我租了 Cold air invasion of the gathering of the earth, lovely snow is also on schedule, where the silver-colored world has become, the West River river knot thick ice. In the afternoon, I came to the riverside with my father and mother, and in this white world, on this jade white ice, people sit on the plow and slide down the slope, screaming fast and screaming and laughing in the west Reverberate over the river. I can not wait to experience that thrill. I took Mom and Dad came to the river, the ice is really slippery, take a step Akira three steps. I rent it
Wood beam-column frame is a popular structural system in United States and in ancient China. Chinese wood beam-column frame structures showed better seismic res
今天早晨一觉醒来,就发现我的小书桌上有一封信,于是我打开来看。信的内容是这样的:可爱的小主人:你好,我是你的一支钢笔,你每天都不给我抽水,我都 When I woke up this mor
Tom is playing games with his Grandmother and his mother in the living room. Grandma hasgray hair and she is in purple. His mother has brown hair, and she is wearing a blue dress. LittleTom has black
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今天,天气格外晴朗,阳光明媚。爸爸开着车,带着我和妈妈一起去翔安看中国第一条海底隧道。早就听说,开车从同安区到厦门岛内至少要90分钟,而现在从翔 Today, the weather is