威廉·格扬(William Goyen)是美国当代小说家和散文家。他一生共发表了六部长篇小说和几部短篇小说集,他的敬文抒情,奔放,富于想象力,博得了公众的承认和欢迎。格扬虽不象他的同代人杜鲁门。卡波特、戈尔·维达尔、诺曼·梅勒等受到人们广泛的注意和重视,但对于他的作品,同辈作家和文艺批评家都给予高度的赞扬。他的最后一部长篇小说《阿卡狄欧》由克朗出版社在去年十月份出版,书中的主人公是一个墨西哥美国混血的两性人,他出现在得克萨斯州东部,一个男孩子曾恍惚看到了他。《出版者周刊》评论这部小说是“美的描写,寓于其中的是生活神奇般的力量。”1950年格扬曾以长篇小说《散发着芳香的房屋》蜚声文坛。七年后,他将这部小说改编成芭蕾舞剧本,并得到公演。《散发着芳香的房屋》也是一部以得克萨斯州东部生活为背景的家庭题材小说,小说的作者就出生在那里一个叫特里纳特的小镇上。由于在小说和
William Goyen is a contemporary American novelist and essayist. Throughout his life, he has published a total of six novels and several short stories. His poems are lyrical, bold and imaginative, gaining public recognition and welcome. Although not the same as his fellow generation Truman. Capote, Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer and so on have received wide attention and attention, but for his work, peer writers and literary critics have given high praise. His last novel, Arcadio, was published by Krones in October last year. The protagonist of the book is a mixed-race, two-man American who lives in eastern Texas. A boy has tranced to see he. Publisher Weekly commented that the novel is “a portrayal of beauty, and is embedded in the miraculous power of life.” In 1950, Goyang became known for his novel The Exuberant Aromatic Houses. Seven years later, he adapted the novel into a ballet script and got a performance. The House of Fragrance is also a family-themed novel based on life in Eastern Texas, where the author of the novel was born in a small town called Trinitre. Thanks in the novel and