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我省各河现已进入汛期,为了保护农业生产、工业建设、交通运输和人民生命财产的安全,使国家各项建设计划的顺利进行,要求在保证水位下溃堤,这就是水利工作围绕着国家在过渡时期的总路线和总任务而担负的重要任务之一。从一九五三年春洪暴发部份圩堤溃决的教训来看,及时下的认真的作好汛期前的准备工作是战胜洪水的重要关键。要求各级党政机关重视这一工作,为此特作如下指示:(一)各专、县、市应自即日起成立防汛机构,办理防汛工作,并督促所属各区、乡可根据不同情况分别成立基层防汛组织(如指挥所、大队、中队、小队),凡县与县区与区之毗连地带,在毗连较多地的县区应主动与对方进行协商,建立联防机构,统一领导,专人负责。各级防汛组织应由各级党政首长亲自领导,逐级负责,统一指挥分段防守以明确职责,并将成立情形报部备查。(二)提高警惕严防麻痹大意,应结合总路线宣传加强护堤抢险教育,纠正某些干部和群众认为堤大,涵闸牢固,可以高枕无忧的麻痹思想。 In order to protect the safety of agricultural production, industrial construction, transportation and people’s lives and property, all the rivers in our province have been brought into flood season. All construction plans of the country have been carried out smoothly and they are required to break the embankment under the guaranteed water level. This is where water conservancy works around One of the important tasks that the State shoulders during the transitional general line and tasks. From the lesson of the outburst of polluted levees in the spring flood of 1953, it is an important key to defeat the floods that preparing for the flood season ahead of time in a timely manner is timely. Party committees and governments at all levels are required to attach importance to this work and hereby make the following special instructions: (1) All specialties, counties and cities shall set up flood control agencies from now on, handle flood control work and urge their respective districts and townships to issue separate instructions according to different situations Grassroots flood control organizations (such as command posts, brigades, squadrons and squadrons) should be set up. Where counties and counties and districts are adjacent to each other, counties and districts that adjoin more areas should take the initiative to hold consultations with each other and establish joint defense agencies, unified leadership and personnel Be responsible for. Flood control organizations at all levels should be personally led by the party and government leaders at all levels and shall be responsible for them step by step. They shall uniformly direct the segmented defenses in order to clarify their responsibilities and prepare the intelligence reports for future reference. (B) to increase vigilance to prevent paralysis, publicity should be combined with the general line to enhance embankment rescue education, to correct some cadres and the masses think embankment large, sluices solid, you can sit back and relax paralysis thought.
本文从问卷调查出发,详尽分析了问卷的结果,初步探讨了大学英语复合式听写的听力策略教学问题。 Based on the questionnaire survey, this paper analyzes the results of
患儿,女,8日龄。因皮肤接触甲胺磷农药5 h入院。第1胎第1产,足月顺产。其母因故自服甲胺磷(具体量不详),服后呕吐物污染患儿颈部、胸部皮肤及衣服,约1 h后其母抢救无效死亡,
1.适用范围:本标准适用于以蓄电池作为点火电源的汽车用点火线圈的安装尺寸。2.点火线圈的结构型式分为:2.1 无附加电阻的二接线柱结构。2.2有外附盒状或线状附加电阻的二接线柱
D- ( - ) -樟脑磺内酰胺是重要的手性助剂 ,由于它具有刚性骨架结构 ,在不对称合成中空间效应明显 ,立体选择性高 ,所得产物光学纯度一般都大于 90 % e .e .,而且合成它的原
1月19日2月22~26日3月25~26日4月19~22日摩擦与润滑是高效发动机的关键 美国汽车工程师学会年会 斯特林发动机 27届国际燃气轮机会议1 MeehESAE1 MeehEASME1 MeehESAESAE1 Me
在扬子地台寒武纪最早期 (梅树村期 )发现的磷酸盐化保存的后生动物Olivooides具发育的不同阶段 .从胚胎细胞分裂的囊胚期经可能的原肠胚期至胚胎的组织分化期最后直至幼体孵