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志书篇目是志书的纲领和蓝图,是影响志书质量的重要因素之一。篇目设计、科学分类以及彰显特色是志书篇目设计的基本问题。篇目设计不能拘泥某一种方法,而应该大胆创新,分析各种方法,取其利,去其弊,设计出能够充分、科学、准确、恰如其分承载事物的地方志新型篇目格局。承载内容的分类不能随心所欲,应该用科学的角度、标准和方法进行有机分类。认真研究《地方志工作条例》、记述内容相关的法律法规、《三次产业划分方法》等依据,篇目设计中的内容分类问题都会得到解决。篇目设计应该以历史的责任、创新的勇气和科学的方法彰显地方、时代等特色。 The purpose of the book is the program and blueprint of the book, which is one of the important factors that affect the quality of the book. Topic design, scientific classification and highlighting the characteristics of the book is the basic design issues. Instead of sticking to specific methods of design, we should boldly innovate, analyze various methods, take advantage of their benefits, and take their advantages and disadvantages. We should devise a new pattern of local magazines that can carry things adequately, scientifically, accurately and appropriately. The classification of hosting content can not be arbitrary, it should be a scientific perspective, standards and methods for organic classification. Seriously study the Local Work Regulations, describe the laws and regulations related to the content, and the basis of the “method of dividing the three industries,” and so on, and the content classification in the topic design will be solved. The design of articles should highlight the characteristics of the local and the era with historical responsibility, creative courage and scientific methods.
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根据今日投资《在线分析师》(www.investoday.com.cn)对国内70多家券商研究所1800余名分析师的投资评级数据进行的统计,本周投资评级上调居前的30只股票中, According to th
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