散体滑坡、泥石流是凉山境内公路沿线主要的地质灾害及水毁类型 ,其发育既与地质地貌环境密切相关 ,又受控于区域新构造应力场 .滑坡、泥石流耦合发育、共同作用 ,加剧了公路灾害的发生频度及强度 .不良的人为工程及社会、经济活动激化了该地区滑坡、泥石流的发育进程 .公路沿线滑坡、泥石流的治理应坚持“疏排结合、多种工程措施并举”的基本原则
The landslide and debris flow are the main geological disasters and water damage types along the highway in Liangshan.The development of landslide and debris flow are closely related both to the geological and geomorphological environment and controlled by the new tectonic stress field in the region.The coupled development of landslides and debris flows aggravate The frequency and severity of road disasters, the poor man-made engineering and social and economic activities have intensified the development of landslides and debris flows in the area, and the management of landslides and debris flows along the highway should adhere to the principle of “combination of drainage and drainage and simultaneous engineering measures” The basic principle