来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcm2005
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A new deposition method is described using micro electrical discharge machining (EDM) to deposit tool electrode material on workpiece in air. The basic principles of micro electrical discharge deposition (EDD) are analyzed and the realized conditions are predicted. With an ordinary EDM shaping machine, brass as the electrode, high-speed steel as the workpiece, a lot of experiments are carried out on micro EDD systematically and thoroughly. The effects of major processing parameters, such as the discharge current, discharge duration, pulse interval and working medium, are obtained. As a result, a micro cylinder with 0.19 mm in diameter and 7.35 mm in height is deposited. By exchanging the polarities of the electrode and workpiece the micro cylinder can be removed selectively. So the reversible machining of deposition and removal is achieved, which breaks through the constraint of traditional EDM. Measurements show that the deposited material is compact and close to workpiece base, whose components depend on the tool electrode material. A basic method of micro electrical discharge machining (EDM) to deposit tool electrode material on air in. The basic principles of micro electrical discharge deposition (EDD) are analyzed and the conditions are predicted. With an ordinary EDM shaping machine , brass as the electrode, high-speed steel as the workpiece, a lot of experiments are carried out on micro EDD systematically and thoroughly. The effects of major processing parameters, such as the discharge current, discharge duration, pulse interval and working medium, As a result, a micro cylinder with 0.19 mm in diameter and 7.35 mm in height is deposited. By the exchanging the polarities of the electrode and workpiece the micro cylinder can be removed selectively. So the reversible machining of deposition and removal is achieved , which breaks through the constraint of traditional EDM. Measurements show that the deposited material is compact and close to workpiece base, whose components depend on the tool electrode material.
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摘 要  本文在认真审视中小学英语学习评价体系的基础上,试图阐述英语形成性评价机制的理念、实施原则及其实践意义,并结合教育教学实践,简要叙述英语形成性评价机制在英语教学中的运用。  【关键词】形成性评价;英语;精彩  多年来,在英语教学中,主要的评价方式还是依靠终结评价,它的主要是通过测试的方式对学生进行评价。在考试中获得完成试卷较好、分数较高的学生视为优秀;反之则是差。而在现实中常常出现的情况则