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中金公司近日发布研究报告称,在新型城镇化战略实施的大背景下,智能交通行业可有效提高城市的承载能力并提升城市的运行效率,正在迎来加速发展阶段,年均成长将达30%-40%。这份题为《智能交通提升城市承载能力和运行效率需求快速增长,为新型城镇化保驾护航》的报告,对我国智能交通的发展背景、发展现状、发展方向以及成长空间等多个角度做出了详细而专业的解析和预判。首先,报告指出,交通拥堵和交通安全,正在严重影响城市的承载能力和运行效率。拥堵问题的核心在于交通供需矛盾日益突出,交 CICC recently released a research report saying that in the context of the implementation of the new urbanization strategy, the intelligent transportation industry can effectively increase the carrying capacity of the cities and enhance the city’s operational efficiency, and is at an accelerated stage of development with an average annual growth of 30 % -40%. The report titled “Intelligent Transportation Enhances Rapid Growth of Urban Carrying Capacity and Operational Efficiency, Escorting for New Urbanization”, made a number of observations on the development background, development status, development direction and growth space of China’s intelligent transportation A detailed and professional analysis and forecast. First, the report states that traffic congestion and traffic safety are seriously affecting the carrying capacity and operational efficiency of cities. The core of congestion problem lies in the increasingly prominent contradiction between traffic and supply, pay
我院曾遇2例由于铁异物长期存留于眼内而继发青光眼,最后导致视力丧失。现报告如下: 例1,孙××,男,28岁,拖拉机手,住院号186152。固右眼胀痛,视力下降一个月 Our hospital
山东省由于环境条件及栽培方式的不同,茶树害虫的发生也有其特殊性,同时根据山东茶园害虫防治存在的问题,提出茶叶无公害生产中害虫的防治措施。 Due to the different envi
本文从巴赫金的对话理论出发,通过对体育文化历史的回顾和对当代体育现象的分析,阐述了对话已成为当 代体育不可或缺的内在属性。对体育中对话意识和精神的强调,不仅使我们对
Phosphonium or arsonium salt 1 can undergo the tandem reaction of deprotonation -oxidation-Wittig reaction with alcohol 2 in the presence of sodium hydroxide an